Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Lost 6.13 "The Last Recruit"

“John Locke was not a believer, Jack. He was a sucker.”

“Whether you like it or not, you’re with him now.”

“Get off my damn boat.”

“Don’t worry, it’s going to be okay. You’re with me now.”

So, in a jokey haiku earlier today I suggested that the last recruit was going to be Jack. Who’d have thunk that haiku would have given me that moment of clarity?

As predicted last week, all of the storylines are coming together this week, with all of the SW stories merging into one (Hurley’s was the only one we didn’t see at all) and all of the island folk pretty much together. Richard/Ben/Miles were the only ones we didn’t see on the island this week. (Bummer, because seriously, aren’t they like a dream road trip trio?? I want to see a National Lampoon movie with these three in it...)

Another great episode that moved us closer and closer to that end, even if it was another bridge ep. Here’s hoping I didn’t miss too many things (as I mentioned earlier today, I’m not feeling well, so I did this rather quickly....)

• Hurley: “You can always bring people back from the Dark Side. Anakin?” Sawyer: “Who the hell’s Anakin?” HAHA!!
• Hurley: “Hey Claire. You look... great.”
• SW Sawyer to SW Kate: “It would never work, Sweetheart. I’m a cop, you’re a murderer...” LOL!!
• I loved the little Jack/Claire reunion, even if she’s nuts. I want to believe the old Claire is still in there somewhere...
• That scene between Desmond and Sayid in the well. Just heartbreaking. (And no, he totally didn’t shoot him. I don’t believe that for a second.)
• “... and that pilot who looks like he stepped off the set of a Burt Reynolds movie.” HAHAHA!!!!
• Sayid’s cold, dead-eyed response to Locke when he asks if he killed Desmond: “Of course I did. Go and check if you’d like.” :::shudder:::
• The look on Jack’s face when Claire tells him Christian was her father. “Uh... um-I-uh... wait, you... uh... WHAT?!”
• Sawyer and Jack disagreeing... will this be the last fight we see between the two of them? SADNESS.
• The Jin/Sun happy ending. In both worlds!!

• Christian in “White Rabbit” was actually Smokey. However, we don’t have an explanation for who Christian was in the hospital, since Smokey can’t travel off the island. Was it the same guy? What about the other dead people? Ilana said that Smokey can only look like one person at a time so was he able to also be Yemi, or was he only able to be Christian? What allows him to slough off one body for the other?

The Numbers:
The adoption agency and lawyer are on the 15th floor.

Did You Notice?:
• Jack is asking Hurley’s permission? WHAT?!
• I found Smokey’s rundown of Locke being nothing but a pathetic waste to be really sad... I don’t like the idea that he was completely misguided. I believed in his faith, even when he effed up. I wonder how tough it was for Terry O’Quinn to deliver that line.
• Jack defends John Locke? WHAT?!
• Sun recognizes Smokey in the SW... how did she recognize him? Was the gunshot a jolt? If it was, why didn’t she see the life she had with Jin in the other world, too?
• I love that Ben is actually helpful and tries to save Locke’s life in the SW, whereas he’s constantly trying to kill him in the original timeline.
• Sawyer starts destiny talk with Kate in the SW, and notice how she immediately figures him out (and why he lied) just like she figured out his real name wasn’t Sawyer in the original timeline. (If Kate was a wanted murderer by the FBI, wouldn’t they be holding her in something other than... a chair? Without handcuffs? Constantly turning their backs on her?)
• Miles points to Sayid on the TV and says “That’s our bad guy.” It made me think back to the episode where Kate comes in to see Sam Austen and Sayid – the army’s bad guy – is on that TV, too.
• Kate points out to Jack that Sayid’s different now. He says, “We’re all different now.” “No, Jack, he’s REALLY REALLY different now.”
• “That’s Widmore’s Number Two.” Prisoner reference!!
• Interesting that Zoe gives Smokey until nightfall to turn over Des, just as he gave everyone in the Temple until nightfall to get out.
• Smokey smashes the walkie... he definitely seems to have a thing against technology.
• As soon as Desmond showed up again, I thought, “Ack! What is he going to do to Claire to make HER see??” “I’m gonna throo ya doon some stee-ahs and help ya have a vishun!”
• Desmond to Claire: “It won’t cost you a cent. Trust me... it’ll be my pleasure.” Funny, that was the same pick-up line he used on me...
• I was convinced the lawyer would be Ana Lucia. Didn’t see Ilana coming. She did look rather, ahem, dynamite, though, didn’t she? Ha. Ha. I mean, she really... blew them away with her, erm, explosive beauty? OK. I’ll stop now.
• Interesting that Ilana had an American accent in the SW. That’s what happened if Jacob hadn’t recruited her at a young age and made her go to Eastern Europe to learn how to take care of the candidates for a full 12 minutes before being blowed up real good.
• Jack takes instruction... WHAT?!
• OK, when Sawyer was saying everyone was going to get in the boat, did anyone else suddenly flash in their heads to the outrigger and think, “ZOMG, Sawyer’s going to be shot by Juliet?!” No? Just me? Hm. I just KNOW we’re going to see that outrigger scene at some point... but I’m hoping Widmore’s peeps are in it and Zoe takes one between the eyes. (Seriously, WHY do I dislike her so much? She hasn’t annoyed me the same way Douche and Douchier did in season 3 but there’s just something about her that rubs me the wrong way.)
• That well is like 15 feet deep and Des went head-first... there’s no way he wouldn’t be suffering from a severe spinal injury.
• “I died... and he brought ME back.” Oh, Sayid, do you really want an empty zombified version of Nadia back??
• Sawyer’s Claire logic is unfair... Aaron is STILL her son, and just because she’s “drinkin’ Locke’s Kool-Aid” doesn’t mean she deserves to be abandoned on an island while other people raise her child... none of this was her doing. Disappointed in you, Sawyer...
• Claire’s logic is equally skewed. “He’s the only one that didn’t abandon me.” No, he’s just the one who drew you away from everyone else so they wouldn’t know where you’d gotten to, and completely brainwashed you into thinking it was totally awesome that Aaron was with them and not her, and then they were forced to leave without her because they couldn’t find her. Of course, Claire presumably doesn’t remember any of this; I’m thinking it’s part of Smokey’s mindwipe of her. I felt terrible as she stood by the tree and watched them abandon her... again. Poor Claire.
• As Kate appeals to Claire, you can hear the quiet Claire music that used to play when you’d see her with Aaron on the beach, usually with Charlie. “I never should have raised him. It should have been you.” Go Kate!!!
• I loved David saying to Jack, “I’m sad for YOU, Dad.” I’m already awaiting the Jears-o-meter on the Ack Attack for that one. ;)
• Did you get a load of the look on David’s face? “Whoa... Dad... I have an AUNT. And a SUPER-HOT aunt at that!!! Oh happy happy day!! This is the best reading of a will EVER.”
• I love Jack’s, “Sorry, we have to reschedule.” Um... I’m pregnant and here for only a couple of days from AUSTRALIA. When the hell are we rescheduling to???
• There was a bit of déjà vu when they were all on the boat... remember in “The Lie,” Frank was the one to go under the ship and get refreshments then, too.
• “You wanna take a leap of faith, Jack? Take it.” Eloise told Jack that he had to take a leap of faith to put the shoes on John Locke, and Locke referred to leaps of faith when he was pushing the button.
• Jack jumps off the boat just like Sawyer jumped off the helicopter.
• Jack: “The island is not done with us yet.” Sawyer: “Yeah, well I’m done with this island.” This is the exact exchange that we heard in “316” between Eloise and Desmond, with her telling Des the island isn’t done with him yet, and Des saying he’s done with the island (d’oh).
• Jack to David: “Hey, you okay waiting here for me for a bit while I perform THIRTEEN HOURS OF SURGERY??!!”
• Nikki’s dream line of the entire season: Oh, how I wish Jack had moseyed into that O.R. and said, “Not only am I gonna save this dude’s life, but I’m gonna make him f*cking WALK again. Because I AM A GOD!!!”
• OK, seriously, as much as I was happy to see the Jin/Sun reunion, I thought it was TOTALLY RUINED by those fences!! My husband yelled, “OMG the fence is still on!” and then they were running together and I was screaming, “NO! NO! Stop... wait... don’t” and half-expected both of them to collapse onto the ground frothing at the mouth and bleeding from every orifice. Cripes almighty. I wish Zoe had walked through the fence first just so we knew they were off.
• When the explosion hits the beach, did you see that thing that landed right in front of Jack’s face? It made me think of the episode of Fawlty Towers when Basil is mocking the woman with the hearing aid and leans in and says, “Is this a piece of your brain?!”

So Many Questions...
• What is the significance of the Western Pacific Adoption Agency? Is Paik running it??
• Seriously, how did Miles and Sawyer trace Sayid to that house?? First, he’s a foreigner visiting, and they wouldn’t have him in a database. Secondly, he had a MAJOR head-start on them, and would have gotten there and been long gone by the time they made it to the house. One of the least believable things I’ve seen on the show. Did Sayid stop for one last snow-cone at the 7-11 or something on the way back??
• WHO IS DAVID’S MOM?! Possibles that are left: Sarah again. Juliet. Kate’s twin sister she never knew about (Skaters and Jaters are both happy in the end!). Cassidy. Ana Lucia.
• Seriously, how did he recognize the bloated, upside-down, lacerated face of John Locke from the nice man in the wheelchair at the airport. Ah well...stranger things...
• Wasn’t the deal with Widmore that Sawyer was going to bring Locke over to him and deliver him to everyone?

Me tomorrow:
I’ve joined Facebook! Come and find me. I am here. :)

Tomorrow listen in to Marshall and Forbes on The Ocean 98.5 in Victoria, BC at 6 a.m. local time, 9 a.m. EST. Go here and click on the Listen Now button if you’re out of the listening area.

And tomorrow at noon I will once again be participating in the Globe and Mail Lost chat from noon to 1pm EST. Go here to ask questions and comment. See you there!

And finally, listen to KEX 1190 at 6:20 p.m. PST, 9:20 p.m. EST where I’ll be on the Mark & Dave show (and they’re big Lost fans so it’s always fun). Go here and click the Listen Now button:

Next week:
As I mentioned earlier today, there will not be a new episode next week and instead they’re repeating “Ab Aeterno.” But the Globe and Mail chat will still be on as we talk about the season up to this point and sum up everything.


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humanebean said...

Fascinating discussion, all. I don't have much further to contribute on these topics, but I finally had a chance to review "The Last Recruit" and wanted to chip in with a few small Things That Jumped Out At Me:

1) As Sawyer walks around the corner in the police station to approach Kate, one box of files on the shelf behind him is marked 'Internal Affairs'. Why, yes - yes they are.

2) Boy, apples certainly were the order of the day for this broadcast episode. In addition to the aforementioned Sawyer/Kate exchange (and I like the Adam & Eve symbolism noted by others), we later see see Claire stuffing what appear to be apples into a sock or tube of some kind when Sawyer is telling Jack that she is crazy. Also, in a happy bit of synchronicity, the broadcast featured apples several times during the commercial breaks: once where an apple peels away to reveal the ABC logo, once during a Desperate Housewives promo and [in my favorite, of course] in a commercial for Apple's iPod touch. Howdya like THEM apples? *crickets* Move along, people, nothing to see here ...

3) The paramedic who treats Locke in the ambulance wears the name tag 'Simon Holt'. While there is also a modern British composer by this name, whose work Wikipedia describes as "complex, dramatic and often enigmatic. The intricate internal structures of his works are concealed by a seemingly impulsive nature."

All very well and good, but I'm sure you'll agree that the more interesting allusion here may be to the author Simon Holt, whose book The Devouring has an Amazon page that includes the following excerpt from a School Library Journal review: "Comparable to books by R. L. Stine and Stephen King, The Devouring will keep readers on the edge of their seats. Reggie is a horror fanatic. When she finds a journal in a box of used books at the bookstore where she works, she 'borrows' it. It tells of the Vours, black smokelike beings that possess humans who can't conquer their fear on Sorry Night (the eve of the winter solstice) ...This story contains classic elements of the genre: a horrific monster, fusion (where two different entities are fused into one), and the process of discovery." WOW. God I love this show.

4) In a discussion between David and Jack about the sudden discovery of Claire's connection to the family, Jack rationalizes, "Grandpa kept a lot of things to himself" David - "Is that where YOU get it from?" Jack- "*chuckle* I guess so." Bwahahahahaha! Oh, you SLAY me, LOST writers.

5) When Smockey sends Sayid off into the jungle to kill Desmond, he asks if "that will be a problem". He seems to choose his words to Sayid carefully, asking "Do you still want ... what you asked me for?" rather than saying 'what I promised you'. Perhaps of no significance, but I found it interesting nonetheless.

Verification word - "loginies" - animated series about fun-loving woodland creatures who live in a hollowed out fallen tree.

Benny said...

Okay! I'm listening to the GJB's podcast and anyone else wants to jump in there and yell at Beth? I mean the pre-recorded statements... It's just. So. Hard to listen to!
I never felt that way here, but listening to them.... LOUD NOISES!!!

Okay, venting done!

@SP: There are indeed some minor details/issues (maybe?) and we'll just ahve to wait before yes/no. But I'm not sure smokey could not have appeared on the freighter!

Benny said...

What I DO like about the GJB podcast, they read parts in the script...

like Ilana's lack of an accent (laccent) being important

Benny said...

Question: of all the candidates, is there any separation/characteristic we have seen that leaves us with 6 specific characters/candidates? Yes there is.

"They're coming." [all six of them at the same time]

I think it was mentioned earlier this year but it popped into my head earlier.

Austin Gorton said...

@Benny: You've got me thinking.

We know Smokey wanted Locke's body to come back to the island (whether Eloise's insistence that it return with the Oceanic Six puts her in cahoots with Smokey or not we don't know yet) and that he wanted the Oceanic Six to come back to the island (he told Locke as such, via Richard, and presuming Smokey was Christian in the cave).

Knowing that the Oceanic Six were candidates, that Smokey needed to kill ALL Jacob's candidates as well as Jacob before he could leave, and he couldn't very well kill them when they were off the island, what if Smokey wanted the Oceanic Six to come back because he knew (or was able to make it so) that they'd end up in 1977, unable to takeover for Jacob after he died?

So he could then go ahead and kill Jacob, then leave, but then Jacob skunked his plan by drawing the candidates back from '77 to the present, which is why Smokey was so mad when Jacob told him "they're coming": because it meant he now had to deal with them before he could leave.

This all assumes, of course:

A. A candidate being stranded in 1977 is the same as a candidate being dead as far as "the rules" are concerned.

B. Jacob had the power to move the candidates through time

Which are pretty big leaps, granted. But food for thought.

JS said...

I can't believe I just lost eveything I wrote. It was an awesome rant. Damn blackberry.

LoyallyLOST said...

Hi, all. I posted earlier, but I came back & read a couple of comments & it made me remember something about this eppy. WHY did FLocke say all 6 had to LEAVE the island TOGETHER? Odd. Does he want all of the candidates with him so there will be no one to rule the island? Hmmm. Just wondering.
It amazes me that so many on here notices things that I don't! It makes it fun to go back & rewatch it! SUCH a dirty job! LOL!
I wonder if the box marked 'Internal Affairs' has anything to do with the plotlines or just a well-placed prop?
Could the Adam & Eve reference that humanebean made be a hint of things to come in the finale? Are we going to find out who was in the cave? Soooo many loose ends, too little time to tie them all up!
What a great show!!!

LoyallyLOST said...

@JS~BEEN THERE! Isn't it frustrating when you have this great rant, comment or ANYthing & modern technology laughs at you & destroys what you worked so hard & long on! Old smokey workin' here, perhaps???

Susan said...

JS I feel your pain. This crappy computer regularly deletes chunks of what I've written.

Anyway I just had a thought (probably not original) -- what if MIB's plan is to get everyone on the plane, then destroy it? It would explain his "we all need to leave together."

crazyinlost said...

@Nurse Brian-Thanks for the info! I forwarded it on to my daughter! We live in (North) NW WA, but we have a couple good schools here.
She still has a couple of years left in HS to decide. I work in a hospital (in the lab) so I know alot of the nurses here go thru the local community college (Skagit Valley College) has a good program.

word verif-cropholu-the holes you dig for planting your crops

Rebecca T. said...

I have nothing intelligent to add but I had to say:

@Sagacious Penguin: Gamses: what Gollum plays for recreation.


TM Lawrence said...

Shocked to be the first to note it here and especially on Nikki's blog: "Sweetzer & Verdansky: Attorneys at Law"?

Sweetzer not as in Schweitzer the physician musician and Jesus scholar but Sweetzer the little indy film with Jorge Garcia as a sex-addict. Sweetzer & Melrose coffeeshop, yeah right.

Although, regard the following quote from Schweitzer's "Quest of the Historical Jesus":

...lays hold of the wheel of the world to set it moving on that last revolution which is to bring all ordinary history to a close. It refuses to turn, and He throws Himself upon it. Then it does turn; and crushes Him. Instead of bringing in the eschatological conditions...the wheel rolls onward, and the mangled body of the one immeasurably great Man...is hanging upon it still. That is His victory and His reign.

I am unsure if Albert is referring to Jesus on the cross or Locke on the donkey wheel.

Ilana Verdansky almost certainly evokes Victor Vernadsky the Russian geologist turned humanist who introduced the notion of the noosphere--the evolutionary stage of our current times in which the distributed human cognitive power of the internet, combined with arrogant manipulation of the environment and even the very elements, have moved us beyond the homeostatic conditions of Gaia as a biosphere into a landscape of inconvenient truth. Unless I am misreading the signposts (very possible), Wallace in the lighthouse, Lamarcke on Arzt's chalkboard, the escape labeled "Omega" in the now-ruined temple of doom, Pierre Chang recast as a paleontologist (think Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, a Jesuit in China), and Jacob's "It only ends once" are all pointing to one place--the Omega Point where fate, destiny, faith, science, and human will converge in a singularity.

Or not...

T said...

@TM Lawrence: You're an idiot. That's Vladimir Vernadsky not Victor. Jeez!

Anonymous said...

So much fun reading all of your comments!!

@REDEEM147 & HUMANEBEAN - thanks for the links! Loved em!

I've got a new, unworn, only tried on, LOST tee that I'd love to give to one of Nikki's legions in the US. Powder blue, short sleeves, women's medium (but a very small medium - that's why I can't wear it), Swan Station logo on front, very cute! I ordered it off a website last year, it took six months to get it, the company never answered my emails so I thought returning it would be a big waste of time! Send your address to me at tiasabita@yahoo.com and I'll drop it in the mail to ya!

Nurse Brian said...

@crazyinlost: You're very welcome! Best of luck to your daughter with whatever she decides to do!

WV: constedo - What an english-only-speaking Lost time traveller seeks in Mexico

Zari said...

@T: Your name-calling on T.S. Lawrence is outrageous. Those of us who follow/contribute to this blog come here precisely because the tone is courteous, accepting of others’ opinions/statements, and the general “rule” that we agree-to-disagree-without-being-disagreeable. Attacks of any kind on other contributors, derogatory comments, offensive language, etc. etc., have no place here. Please don’t make such negative statements again.

Benny said...

@Zari: Seconded!

@T.: Oh no, someone made an error in referencing a name? Well, I never!

Really T.? Does that tick you off THAT much? Really? That's just unfortunate.

Stacy said...

A few more comments to read, but had to get this out so i could read these on my email!

Maybe smokey COULD float over water when he was someone else. Maybe being John Locke- he has hit some glitch that won't allow him to go over water.

Unless he was lying about Christian- which I am leaning towards possible as well. Main reason- even if the writers were unsure about smokey on the water before, they could have just had him say- "I want to be with my followers and go together".

I think I'm talking myself into a circle, so I'll stop now. hopefully someone will see the point I am attempting to make.

JS said...

Guys - I think T was being sarcastic re: TM's extremely intelligent and learned observations. If the only thing he missed was a first name, we can agree that couldn't possibly be enough to call someone an idiot except in sarcasm. Hope I'm right.

humanebean said...

I had to scroll back to see what you guys were talking about - I had (mis)read "T"'s remark as TM Lawrence self-deprecatingly referring to himself as an idiot, realizing that he had gotten Vladimir wrong. That remark just seems so out of place that I have to assume it wasn't for real. But, then again, I am appalled to learn that 600,000 people have indicated their support for something like this:

This is not my beautiful planet!

Benny said...

@JS: I would agree with you if it came from a regular poster, but given that this comes from a one-time commenter, I'm not sure I can give the benefit of the doubt, especially when sarcasm is hard to convey in written form, you need to establish yourself before attempting written sarcasm.

If T is short for TM Lawrence, as I and humanebean have thought possible, then that's a whole nother story!

Donna S. said...

crazyinlost said: "And by the way, are they ever gonna give Frank something more to say than one liners?"

No, cuz he's just an extra from an old Burt Reynolds movie!!


@ Benny..."As for Sun speaking, what I meant is that when she started speaking to Jin, it didn't even click that she couldn't speak just a few hours prior! Too caught in the moment I guess."

Of course, you do realize that Sun was NOT actually "mute" (even though the way she didn't even TRY to vocalize made it seem that way), but she merely had lost her ability to speak ENGLISH. She could WRITE, but not speak, English. Until she met Jin again.

Donna S. said...

Blam said: "VW: whisht — Young Ben Linus did this as he blew out his birthday candles."

ADORABLE!! Yes! Love it!

TM Lawrence said...

I beg apologies from the entire community. In attempting to fix a name in a post, the comment posted before I got the rest of "...M Lawrence" into the username. This really was just me being hard on myself. It was not even a poorly planned witticism.

I am heartened by the supportive responses: the uncommon spirit of this blog community is precisely why I have made it my Lost home. Again, sorry for any consternation.

TM Lawrence said...

@humanebean, @JS, @ Benny, @Zari:

Sorry and thanks for the support.

A solid feelgood link as a peace offering:


Zari said...

@TM Lawrence:
Good grief! Talk about getting names wrong! I called you TS! Which is a surprise, living here in Arizona, TE should have come more readily to mind, what with all our desert and heat and all! ;)
But couldn’t find the YouTube link...

JS said...

TM - That vid was great! Freeeeeeedom!

Unknown said...

Okay, a little unrelated to this specific episode, but to hell with it, I need to put this theory out there!

Check out this youtube clip:

Pause at exactly :11
11 seconds into the video and look at the young Ethan next to Ben. Looks IDENTICAL to the boy that has been haunting Flocke, come on, any takers???? Well, I sure thanks so! Thoughts?

TM Lawrence said...

In addition to musical composer and Smokey Vour allusion (publication date 2008, thus inspired by rather than inspirational), Simon Holt is also an anagram for "monoliths" and "hint looms"--I better watch the ambulance scene again.
And watch out for large rocks.

TM Lawrence said...

We will finally get this reveal, I'm betting, as to who Jack's ex and David's mom is ... and my money is on Juliet. Now, as to how Sawyer gets to the hospital to meet her and discuss going for coffee, dutch, remains to be seen.

Juliet, as an ObGyn specializing in infertility, will almost certainly need to come pick up her son and to consult on Sun. Don't you think Sawyer's path will cross Juliet's in Sun's vicinity when he comes to the hospital to interrogate the Korean-speaking witness to the creepy Keamey kitchen killings? Eggs all over the place.

And that dutch coffee better be platonic.

Benny said...

Scooooootland! BAHAHAHA!!! Thanks for that!

And... maybe Juliet, who works with Ethan assist with Claire and then Kate will come in to support her and James will escort her and meet Juliet and then Kate will run into Jack and... what? Medicine time? I'll be right there!

Rainier said...

TM Lawrence:

Thank you so much for a much-needed laugh on a dark day! (And how does a deaf person deal with that elevator?)

Also, you are floating some brilliant theories - keep 'em coming!

And to the rest of you, I am really happy to see people enforcing the environment of good will on this site, even if it was due to a case of mistaken identity. It is what separates this discussion from all the rest.

VW: quidsi - yes, mate, I do have a pound.

Paithan1 said...

Jin & Sun reunion...made the ep for me! Although I was afraid of the fence. So much happened and I just watched it so I'm here to absorb.

Paithan1 said...

@scrvet: The boat was named Elizabeth...after Libby...you know, Desmond's boat?

Rainier said...

@ Lisa (UFN): Here's one of my hopes for "THE END": Same voice who keeps saying: "The answers are coming." "The finale' of LOST is being brought to you with limited commercial interruptions by____________" Don't care who sponsors it (Just not "V").

I am hoping that we have put up with the ridiculous numbers of commercial intrusions this season specifically so that they can give us an uninterrupted finale. that is the only thing that would redeem all of those $^%#ing commercials for me! (OK maybe one long one at the beginning or end. but that's IT!!!

@Duke: Teebore....I enjoyed the Star Wars prequels. Maybe because my son at 8 years old is a huge fan and I am seeing them through his eyes. I admit they do have 1) Bad acting - with a few exceptions (Ewan McGregor, of course), 2) bad writing (the most stilted love scenes ever), 3) annoying characters (hello Jar Jar)but on the upside cool effects, a kick ass Yoda and I liked the story of how Anakin turned to the darkside, it worked for me. Could it have been so, so much better? Without a doubt. But I didn't hate it.

Cool effects??? Please - quite possibly the worst use of CGI in film ever. The effects in the original trilogy were far superior, and worked with the characters much, much better. The scene where Obi-Wan goes & talks to the beings that are producing all of those clones jumps to mind, because the human characters totally failed to integrate into that environment. And the lightsaber fight with Yoda just made me laugh. I expected far better from George Lucas.

Rainier said...

@poggy: And I'm not sure I like the romantic slant of most character's epiphanies (seriously, was Hurley's relationship with Libby so significant for both of them?)

Yes, it absolutely was! Especially for Hurley, with his self-image issues, being able to be attractive to Libby was HUGE (no pun intended.) That was clearly deeply meaningful to him, and her death just devastated him - all the more because he believed it to be his fault. And Libby, having been locked up in a mental institution, was doubtless also pretty fragile in the self-esteem department.

Not only that, but for at least some of us viewers, that relationship was really, really sweet. And it was completely unfair that it ended the way it did...of all the people on the island, Hurley is the one I'd most want to be stranded with. And he, perhaps more than anyone, deserved to be happy and to have someone to love.

@NurseBrian: RE: Sayid’s Salvation: What I wouldn’t give more than to see the salvation of this character who has suffered the loss of Nadia, Shannon, and essentially his humanity. With much of his reasons to live already gone, he's basically got nothing to lose. My bets are that Sayid will play out as Lost’s Darth Vader and do something along the lines of “toss the Emperor into oblivion”, if you know what I mean. =)

Yes, I agree. Sayid is another character who has been dealt a lousy hand, and has had those good things that he has found taken from him.

RE: Zoe – It really feels like they’ve been writing her very… Nikki and Paulo, yes? So far she’s looking to be a very hated character much like the dumbtastic duo. Poisonous spiders are too passé for the last season… so here’s to hoping Smokey tears her to shreds! Huzzah!

Amen, brother! Amen!

@Anonymous: With Sayid, why does it have to be Nadia, why can't it be Shannon?

Because he spent years searching for Nadia, and a year or so married to her. Shannon was certainly meaningful to him, but their relationship was of a much shorter duration. Because of the sheer length of time involved, as well as the very complex emotional background to their relationship, it has to be Nadia.

@Blam: Has nobody else heard the reverb that TM and I heard?

I heard it too. I have not yet figured out what it means, but it is definitely there.

VW: ingsno - present tense of the verb "to snow" for those of us suffering from dylsexia.

VW #2: bledur - past tense of a lacerated, gushing artery

crazyinlost said...

@humanebean-I dont want to get too into politics, 'cause that's not what we are here for, and yes I agree that went too far, but if your interested, please click on the below sight:


There is Always 2 sides to a coin!
(Had to get my 2 cents worth in-wait that would be four sides!haha)

crazyinlost said...

@Benny-"And... maybe Juliet, who works with Ethan assist with Claire and then Kate will come in to support her and James will escort her and meet Juliet and then Kate will run into Jack and... what? Medicine time? I'll be right there!"
But it makes so much sense! Does that make us all crazy? Don't we need to be for this insane world we call "Lost"?

word verif-lemnedn-what Benny said after he got his meds!

crazyinlost said...

@Rainier-VW: ingsno - present tense of the verb "to snow" for those of us suffering from dylsexia."

Love it! Have to show that one to my hubby!

Rufus said...

Something Kate said to Sawyer in the sideways reality made me wonder something.

"KATE: You know what I think? I think you let me go because you went to Australia, and you didn’t want anyone to know you were there. Should I tell that to the feds when they get here?"

In season one episode 16 Outlaws, Sawyer was conned into killing Frank Duckett aka Frank Sawyer. We know that he killed the wrong guy but in the sidways reality did Sawyer have to make that choice regarding killing Duckett all over again and that's why he didn't want anyone to know he had been in Australia?

crazyinlost said...

@Rufus-IMO, he doesn't act like a man that has just commited murder. I think the reason he didn't want anyone to know he was down under was because he didn't want anyone to know about his 'obsession'. Once Miles found him out, he was free to talk about it.

Ambivalentman said...

My new post is up at www.pop-culture-pundit.blogspot.com.

I'm loving all the comments out here. This is the best message board on-line.

humanebean said...

@TM Lawrence - excellent catch on the publication date for Simon Holt's The Devouring. So, I should have noted that this was more of a 'shout-out' than a reference for this episode. As for Juliet, I think you're right that we may see her as consultant for Sun/Claire, perhaps a colleague of Ethan's.

@crazyinlost - your link raises many good points. Personally, I deplore the gutter of politics where much commentary, public and private, seems to take place these days. You're quite right - always more than one side!

bowlhed said...

Don't want to throw a spanner in the works, but hasn't almost every episode of this series been referred to as "staging/holding/transitional". The momentum is so slow I feel. Hopefully it will pick up in the next few episodes.

bowlhed said...

p.s. momentum in the sense of really getting to grips with Widmore's/Smokeys/Jacobs true motivations - I for one don't want this all to come in the last 30 minutes of the finale

We seem to have a lot of activity in recent weeks without getting any closer to these things

Nurse Brian said...

@Rainier, Duke, Teebore RE: Star Wars: I'm gonna have be anti-prequel here. As much as I appreciated the "completeness" (kinda stretching that a bit thin here) it gave to the Star Wars universe, the stories did fall kinda flat for me.

I'll preface this with that although I'm just a few days over 23 (again, thanks for all the birthday wishes), I did jump on during the early 90's when my dad bought me Episode IV on VHS (!!!!) from a flea market and when Episodes IV-VI would make their cycles on the USA Network here in the States.

Sure the lightsaber battles were cooler than the ones in the original trilogy, but man alive, there is nothing that could redeem the explanation for the Force. I mean, midichlorians? What. The. FrozenDonkeyWheel. I'd sooner kiss a Wookie than swallow that information.

Let's go one step further. If you know what I'm talking about, I hope you'll agree with me on this one. If you watch Episode III and come to the scene where Anakin is sitting in Padme's apartment before he confronts her about something, if I remember right. Notice how his hand drops. They rotated his hand just so Anakin had more action in the shot! Pop in your DVDs if you don't believe me. I mean, its SERIOUSLY one of the UGLIEST digital "fixes" I have ever seen.

Yes, I can totally understand how the younger generations can like the new movies. Things are flashier, the scenery is more lush with substance, and quite the badass is Yoda now.

Furthermore, if I may be so bold to say, the pre-prequel-fans may just be a bit heartbroken about how "The Trilogy" is no longer Episodes IV-VI anymore. I know I'm a tad guilty of this. These days with the newer generations, it seems "The Trilogy" is either Episodes I-III or, interestingly enough, The Lord of the Rings (not trying to hate on LotR here, actually quite enjoyed them). I can't speak for anyone else, but I have had conversations with other Star Wars fans who have felt this way.

Further viewings: If you're like me, the achy pre-prequel release Star Wars fan, (and you haven't already) you may want to check out the film Fanboys. The movie stars Jay Baruchel (he's currently starred in She's Out of my League, and did voice work for How to Train Your Dragon), Kristen Bell, and Sam Huntington (he played Jimmy Olsen in Superman Returns).

I could rant more, but hey, isn't this a LOST blog?!

WV: licres - snooty, fancy enjoyers of Tootsie Roll Pops

TM Lawrence said...

Nurse Brian:
At 23, I don't know if I'm even allowed to converse with you. My 20yr old was born when I was 23ish. Which means I saw the original Star Wars Trilogy in their initial theatrical run. Which means I was as blown away at 12 by the light saber and "the force" as Eric Foreman; and that even then I knew bad acting when I saw it. Revolutionary, achingly brilliant, the mythology the disco crowd was sorely missing: all true, but let's not put false gloss on the apple. I honestly think a newer generation is responding to the prequels (episodes 1-3) EXACTLY as a prior generation responded to Episodes 4-6 when they WERE "Star Wars"--a world bigger and simply more important than ours.

Forget the midichlorians. Forget badass, physics-defying Yoda--he floats an X-wing out of the swamp or he fights Dooku upside down: either way, it defies gravity and makes you say ooohhh! Mark Hamill or Christian Hayden: slave's son or moisture farming orphan, still an underdog and the jury's out to be honest as to superior acting chops; likewise C3PO or Jar Jar on the annoying spectrum? Leia or Padme for painful PILF?

I discovered the second series first on my own and was better for the experience. I experienced the first series second with my kids and was better for the discovery.

What unites us is that this is a worthy discussion. There really are people who could earnestly ask "Who's Anakin"

And that's the question: I vote Locke.

crazyinlost said...

@Nurse Brian-" What. The. FrozenDonkeyWheel. I'd sooner kiss a Wookie than swallow that information."
hahaha-I'll have to remember that one!

word verif-cabooph-what 'almost' happend to Artz!

crazyinlost said...

@Rainier-I made a comment over on Gracie's email post. Go check it out!

word verif-lious-what Ben does, alot.

Gracie said...

@EVERYONE: Patience please. Late last Wednesday I had to be taken to the hospital after passing out in my hallway. I had some type of neurological break (not a breakdown) where connections were not being made mentally and physically. And although I didn't hit the floor until very late Wednesday night, it appears there were some things going on prior to that which my family knew about, but I did not. (eg, forgetting names of family members.) For a while in the hospital, I didn't even know who I was much less who my family members were. Spouse was doing work on our computer system while I was away. When I got home, somehow the entire contents of my Mailbox were deleted. EVERYTHING. Addresses. Inbox. Sent folder.The entire Incredimail program had to be reinstalled.

This has left me in a very uncomfortable position. I'm learning what I did in reality from people who were there. But I have no idea what I may have said, written, or posted to anyone online, (especially anything related to my Mailbox). I'm almost afraid to go and look. If this does not apply to you, then all is well and no harm, no foul, and you can just skip over this. But if I said or did anything very early last week to you that was insulting or left you feeling uncomfortable, I hope you will e-mail me and let me know. (If you don't already have it, my e-mail address is in my profile. Just put your username on the subject line please.) I really feel strongly about accepting responsibility for my actions, so please feel free to get in touch with me. Also, if I had your e-mail address before, I no longer have it. I'd appreciate it if you'd drop me a line so I can get a couple people back in my address book.

Please know that I didn't come here intending to cause problems for anyone. I have been lurking here for so long that I feel like I know many of you better than you may think. I really wanted to be a part of this fun and highly dysfunctional family, and I'm thrilled to be here. I don't want anyone to think less of me because I've been ill, but I'm also not hiding behind it. If I've said or done something that someone finds offensive, please let me know. I love the people here, and have enjoyed being able to FINALLY chat with you about Lost. Nikki Stafford has brought together a wonderful group of people who have made an enjoyable TV show more enjoyable, and I'm grateful to just be a part of that.

Special thanks to Rainier for helping me work this through in a manner that actually makes sense.

Gracie said...

@crazyinlost: Thank you for your kind comments. This is hard.

Fortunately, it is made easier by people like yourself who take a minute to say something kind without knowing how badly I need to hear it at the time. :)

Nurse Brian said...

@TM Lawrence: Gosh, what I wouldn't give to experience what you guys experienced during the original theatrical release. And as much as I can say about Star Wars, as many quotes I can pull out of my brown-oversized cloak, obscure-reference my way out of a stormtrooper helmet, as preachy as I can be from the Jedi pulpit, I always feel somewhat along the lines of... missing the bus. Then catching the second bus a proverbial six years too early!

You see, I never got to experience the sensation when it all first began with a word crawl a long time ago, in a galaxy far away. And by the time the re-releases and the prequels came out, I had already found myself self-initiated into the Star Wars universe six years prior. My friends didn't care much for Star Wars at the time I jumped on, they were busy watching something like Power Rangers. And at the tail end of the prequel releases, I got to see the new generation love the series I had come to love six years prior.

I guess you can call me jealous!

And I totally agree with you on that the prequel movies wow audiences like they did with the original trilogy release! Some scenes did wow me! I try not to be nit-picky with movies, but I guess I loved the original series so much, it just irks me a little that the prequel movies aren't tonally in the same vein. But I'll definitely submit to the idea that more of the same isn't always the best medicine!

Regardless... just like Lost, as much as we have our differences, the series is wonderful all the same.

And Locke as Anakin? God, it hadn't even crossed my mind, and I LOVE it. As a bad hand Sayid was dealt, I totally bypassed the wheelchair bound, Ben murdered, MIB pawn, father-conned John Locke. An honest tip-of-the-hat to you TM.

Jokingly though, WOULDN'T it be funny-awesome to see Locke throw himself off of a ledge into oblivion?!

WV: regable - Hollywood's alternate title to the sequel to Anne of Green Gables

Gracie said...

@Nurse Brian who said: "Jokingly though, WOULDN'T it be funny-awesome to see Locke throw himself off of a ledge into oblivion?!"

Well, see if you can follow me here: Desmond runs over Locke with a car fully intending to get him hooked up with Super Spinal Dural Sac Saver Jack at the hospital. Desmond has the hope that this will be the impetus that Jack needs to recharge his "island engines" so to speak. Jack becomes angry when he realizes who/what Locke is, and Jack and Desmond drag Locke back to the island where NotLocke is still there trying to get away. Locke confronts NotLocke, who is screwed because he is no longer able to jump across bodies. Wouldn't MIB then have to forfeit his current wardrobe if the real Locke were there to claim it as his own? And while I personally have perfected the ability to argue with oneself, how would that work if Locke was back on the island to argue with NotLocke?
OR let's say NotLocke confronted Locke. Is there any way MIB could actually win that fight in a body that is not his own?
Can you see this? Surprisingly, I can.

Austin Gorton said...

@Nurse Brian: I share your jealously regarding missing out on Star Wars the first time around. I grew up watching and loving the Star Wars movies, but being born in '81, I never got to experience them firsthand (I have vague recollections of seeing a re-release of Jedi in the theaters in '86).

I *really* got into Star Wars after encountering the first Zahn novel in '91, and my Star Wars fandom just grew from there.

So I came to the prequels already a huge fan and highly knowledgeable about the universe of Star Wars. I envy those who got to be blown away by something they'd never imagined the first time around.

Donna S. said...

I wanted to ask...did anybody else notice that Lawyer Ilana called Jack "Mister Shephard" instead of "Doctor Shephard", not just once, but twice...as she was ushering Jack and David into her conference room?

Any thoughts on why she'd do this? I mean, surely she was aware that he was a spinal surgeon, as was his deceased father, right??

Just found this odd.

crazyinlost said...

@Gracie-Nice to have you back! I was wondering why you hadn't commented here this week. I hope you are feeling better, after your last episode. I'm continuing to pray for you!

Kiki said...

Gracie said "Super Spinal Dural Sac Saver Jack "

Hahahahah! Love that! I don't know if I'll be able to look at Dr. SSDSS the same again.

Gracie -- glad to see you back. And happy to see you are feeling better!

Gracie said...

Several things:
@crazyinlost:@Gracie-Nice to have you back! I was wondering why you hadn't commented here this week. I hope you are feeling better, after your last episode. I'm continuing to pray for you!
I recognize my family this week. I think that qualifies as "feeling better". Thanks for asking.
@Kiki said...
Gracie said "Super Spinal Dural Sac Saver Jack "
Hahahahah! Love that! I don't know if I'll be able to look at Dr. SSDSS the same again.

Thank you. No charge. And you picked up something I left off! The 'Dr.' that goes in front of it! We can also get another 'S' in there - no, TWO of them!: "Dr. Super Spinal Surgeon Dural Sac Saver (Jack) Shephard"
I've been wondering about the whole Dural Sac thing in the sense that the writers sure seem to want to make sure that every single one of us knows what a Dural Sac is. So that has left me kind of wondering if that might be a "need to know" thing at the end. Just a thought.
@Ambivalentman: I hope this isn't personal, but if I may, why do you have a Death Clock? And what is the significance of July 12, 2029? Is that sort of like December 21, 2012?

WV: pashalli. Can we pas halli? She's moving way too slow?

Rainier said...


Been trying to e-mail you and it is bouncing back. Says there is no such e-mail addy. I don't have any other way to contact you, so get back to me, huh?

RosieP said...

Sawyer’s Claire logic is unfair... Aaron is STILL her son, and just because she’s “drinkin’ Locke’s Kool-Aid” doesn’t mean she deserves to be abandoned on an island while other people raise her child... none of this was her doing. Disappointed in you, Sawyer...

"Other people raise her child"? Really? Carole Littleton, who is Aaron's grandmother, is also "other people"? It's odd that you didn't regard Kate in the same manner, when she had Aaron.

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