Thursday, December 20, 2007

The Lost Trailer -- The Extended Version
OK, guys, THIS is the ultimate trailer, the sort of thing you'd see in a movie theatre (Thank you, Roland!!) Watch it, and squee with glee. It sent chills down my spine, seriously.

If that doesn't work, go here to watch it at YouTube.


  1. "Rescuing your people, can't really say it's our primary objective"

  2. Hey Nikki! My pleasure, that promo made me giddy! I noticed that the 6 flashed briefly again.

    Jack: Kate we have to go back...

    Kate: Jack, you idiot, I'm living the high life driving a Volvo, killed a bunch of people and got away with it! Go back to the island yourself, Gilligan!


  3. So awesome...I cant wait for this year to start!
    Lots of terrific new scenes in there to ponder over!

  4. theres a shadow of an old civilization reflected in the sea,at the end of the film. did you see? namaste...

  5. oh my God! hurry January 31st, hurry!

  6. wow and a big squeeeee!!!
    Kathy Trites


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