Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Sad News...
I know this is old news by now, but EW is reporting that ABC has changed their minds about the Lost scheduling, and will now NOT be running the final 5 episodes this year. Which means... we end with that Michael episode. WAH. The final five will now be merged into next year, so they're going to run them in the fall (since the Writer's Strike has left a dearth of new pilots, and they need something to fill the space) and then the real 16 will run from Feb-May as originally planned. The good news? Those 3 episodes that went missing this season will be tacked on, so we'll get 8 episodes in the fall instead of 5.

So... is this a good thing or not? Did season 4 really deliver what it was supposed to? Would you have rather they left it on the episode 7 ending? Worse... can you wait until the fall to find out if Rousseau is really dead?!


  1. That almost worked... ALMOST. Well played.

  2. April Fool's!!! Well, I fell for it. Searched EW and ABC, before I realized today was April 1. Nikki, that was cruel. ;-)

  3. Actually, I didn't post this: that OTHER Nikki did. I thought she was dead and buried on the beach with her frickin' diamonds and now here she is hacking my site. I knew I hated her for a reason...


    If you click on the link, you'll see my hidden message at the end (it's like a Lost easter egg!)

  4. You almost had me. There was a moment of panic and then...wait a minute, it's April 1st! Nice try!

  5. I wish it were true...I want those 3 eps, and in their proper story arc!

  6. I tried the link. It says Pgae Not Found. I had tried it earlier, and got a blank page.

  7. Sorry, Page Not Found. I seem to be having difficulty typing today. BTW, Nikki, I love your books. They are like my Lost bibles. I am trying to read all of the books that are seen on the show. Not looking forward to "A Brief History"... I think I might just go with your summary of that one. "Catch-22" is my favorite so far.

  8. Karolyn: Dang... maybe the joke's on me. :) If I hold my mouse over the link, at the bottom I get a long link to a fake EW page, and I've written "imkidding" in the middle of it. But maybe it's only working on my computer, and on nobody else's! D'oh.

    I'm glad you enjoyed my books!! Catch-22 is one of my all-time favourites, and I was so glad to see it last season. A Brief History is actually pretty fascinating, if you can get past the first 40 pages or so. After a while, it's like reading Shakespeare for the first time; you just go along with the rhythms and it starts to make some sense. :)

  9. Nikki, you are an evil, evil woman.

  10. Nikki, I see it now. Guess I need to look closer at things. I should be trained , after watching Lost and looking for clues everywhere!!It's me who should say "DOH!!" BTW I'm reading The Third Policeman. Very odd.

  11. You're so mean. I really was contemplating nine months with no new Lost, and it was BLEAK.

  12. Meanie.

    Now you must post a photo of shirtless Sayid in recompense.


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