Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Michael Emerson Interview

A new interview with Michael Emerson has gone up at Cheap Pop. Check out the little preview that was posted before it where Emerson talks about his favourite mustache (a fave topic of the Web site). Emerson discusses the acting process on the show, and how many different storylines are being filmed at once, causing most of the actors not to see each other as regularly as they'd like. There aren't really any spoilers -- he's very vague about the finale tomorrow night (tomorrow night!!!!!!!) So it's a safe one to check out.

1 comment:

  1. It's a nice interview with him. I remember him clearly from The Practice. Actually, the first time he appeared on LOST my husband and I said - "Ooohhhh....creppy psycho Practice guy again, this is going to be good..."


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