Thursday, September 18, 2008

Finding Lost: Season 4

And here is my new cover!

I hope you like it. I gave the designer a pretty tall order: "I'd like a pocket watch like the White Rabbit on Alice but I want it to show two times happening at once (so I need two hour hands, two minute hands, two second hands), a pic of the Tunisian desert, with the I Ching symbol buried in the sand, and Hurley's numbers hidden somewhere on there."

And she pulled it off!


  1. Lurve it! It will look so nice on the shelf next to the first two!

  2. I give up! Where are Hurley's numbers?

  3. Ooh! An Easter egg hunt! Can anyone spot them? (No cheating from the people to whom I already pointed them out!)

  4. Pretty! Now I just need to watch the show. :)

  5. they are on the watch. easy

  6. congrats! looks awesome! (i can't find the numbers! are they buried in the sand?) let me know if you would like an extra set of eyes to read through it! :)

  7. Hey all, thanks so much for your comments, I'm so glad you liked it! As an anonymous person posted (who apparently doesn't want to pick up a prize for finding them first!) the numbers are on the watch. The hour hands are pointing to 4 and 8, the minute hands on 15 and 16, and the second hands are on 23 and 42. :)

    And fb: You will always be my second set of eyes (I have a prezzie coming your way, watch your mailbox!) ;)

    Ian: Yes, you NEED to watch this show. I would love to hear your take on it, seriously.

  8. That looks nice! But would you nind clearing that up, Nikki? A few months ago you said, there wouldn't be a book this year, but a combined Season 4 & 5 effort next year. Did you (or your publisher) change your mind? And wenn will the book be released. Can't find it on amazon yet.

    Best regards, Martin.

  9. Looks so good!
    I'm looking forward to this one. Have the other two for Lost.
    Plus the Buffy and Angel ones.
    Keep up the good work!

  10. Awesome! Can't wait to get my hands on this one & dig in.

    And speaking of which... did one of your legion of adorata alert you to this release on the way next week?

  11. oh, don't i feel silly! i looked at the watch and thought, "nah, too obvious." ha!

    oooh! pressies! i will keep my eyes peeled! :) thank you!

  12. hi nikki i'm the anonymous person! didn't realize their is a prize!! i dont have a google or blogger account so didn't create one just to post but my email is prehaps i should create an account now

    and annoying i've just noticed i could have put my name in instead of anon. oh carrots

  13. also i cant spell their. i meant there

  14. I love it Nikki!! When's the release date? How wonderful if it could coincide with the Dec. release of the S4 DVD's!! *wink wink* I can't imagine re-watching them without it!!

  15. Martin: Yes, as I've mentioned in a couple of recent posts, we've changed our mind on releasing them together. When I went on mat leave I said there was no way I could write a season 4 book. When season 4 ended the publisher began receiving emails and letters from people asking for a season 4. I started getting the notes around July, and so we began discussing the possibility of me working on season 4 now and getting it out during season 5, and then having season 5 out in the fall.

    Season 4 will be out in March or April, I think, with Season 5 in October next year. (I have my work cut out for me!) The Amazon listing will be out soon. You saw it here first! :)

    Kayesoob: Thanks!! Wow.

    Joshua: No, NO ONE has pointed that out to me and now I MUST have it!! Thank you for letting me know!

    Jazzygirl: I WISH I could coincide it with the release date, that's the only sucky thing. But I'll give some teasers on my site.

  16. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the cover! Cannot WAIT for the new book to come out! Kind of a nice little change of pace to see a cover without the characters on it.
    Can't wait for this season to start! Last season was BY FAR the best season since Season 1! Cannot wait to see what lies ahead!
    By the way! There are 3, count 'em~3, television stations that are showing LOST reruns! SciFi, G4(why?)& a local station. SciFi is showing 4 episodes back to back every Monday nite! Yippee Skippee & Yee Haw!
    On the episode with sexyman,er...Sawyer entitled 'Confidence Man', he walks out on the couple when their little boy walks into the room & I noticed the house he walks out of is, I think the same house in one of the episodes of North Shore. Remember that show, anyone?Anyway, it's fun to watch for the numbers that I hadn't noticed before!
    Again, LOVE the cover!!!

  17. Nikki: Thanks for explaining. March/April? That's fine, although it would've been great to watch the Season 4 DVDs with your book on the lab during the holidays. But better late than never...

  18. Martin: I agree, I would have liked to have had it out in time for the DVDs, but when it came down to a choice between the book and my son, I chose to spend more time with the little man. :)

  19. Well I SUPPOSE we can't fault you for that! Though not having kids of my own...and not wanting to...part of me is crying since last season had SO much in it and SO many confusing things. Yes, you MUST give us snippets!! :-p


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