Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Finding Lost Season 4 Available for Pre-Order has posted my book for preorder (though there's no cover as of yet... the cover has been sent to them, but it always takes dog's years for them to actually make changes, as many of you know firsthand). I was just speaking with my publisher today about the book. While it's being listed as an April release, we're going to see if we can get it out earlier than that, and while big-box stores won't release a book until the date we have in the catalogue (it's a long, complicated, and annoying story, so I won't bore you with the whys), the smaller independents will take it. typically makes the books available as soon as they receive them in their warehouse, so it will probably be the place you can get it. Or... I'll have copies and you can get them directly from me. :)

So if you're looking to pre-order the book from Amazon, please do so using the link at the side (or just click here) and I get click-through points. I know. I'm shameless. But as I sit here plugging away on Day 10 of my captivity, wondering what it's all worth in the end, I'm looking to, um, make it worth something in the end.

Now, if I can just convince the writers to stick a copy of one of my books on Ben's bookshelf, I would be SET.


  1. Speaking of those Amazonians, they FINALLY got my name fixed this week. I practically threw a party, I was so ecstatic!

    But on the PLUS side, one of my friends who pre-ordered LAML via Amazon got notice today that her order is "shipping early" - so YAY!!

    On a side note, contract is back in the mail - so I guess I'm back on the clock now ;) Hope your lockdown is going well!

  2. Your link is for the wrong Amazon. At least, the wrong Amazon for me. Where's

  3. amy: Yay, consider the whip held aloft! HAHA!

    redeem: Because the Canadian catalogue comes out after the American one, it's not yet posted on the Canadian Amazon. When it is, I'll put up a link here to it. :)

  4. Day 8 of the Lockdown ... by my count that means you only have 172 days or so until the next Supply Drop! Oh, the yummy Dharma Mac 'n Cheese that shall be yours.

    Glad to hear that the book is progressing well. If you will, indeed, have copies for sale directly, I would prefer that you get the entire proceeds. Nothing against those bastions of eCommerce at Amazon, mind you! I look forward to hearing more details about the book in future. All the best!

  5. So looking forward to this book as usual Nikki, I'll review it with the DVD coming up! Woohoo!

  6. any update to the 'FLS4' release date? i've got my DVDs, but am trying not to watch without your trusty guide!

  7. James: The publisher has put a huge rush on the book, and in Canada it'll probably be available in January, and in the US at the beginning of February. :) So I'm happy, since the original projection was beginning of April!


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