Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Lost Season 5 Promo!

I've been waiting for this!! After pulling 15-hour writing days for the last three weeks, I finally wrote the final bits of the season 4 episode guide today (thank you, thank you, bow, bow) and as a reward, ABC has released the official promo for season 5, complete with a few quick shots of what we can expect. WHEE!


  1. Did you see at the end of the promo they show the plane falling that killed Boone? I always thought there was something wierd about that. I wonder if they are going to get into it again in season 5.

  2. This and the Comic-Con video would seem to indicate that Faraday travels back in time to Dharma's glory years, which I will boldly predict is going to be an incredible storyline.

  3. Congrutulations Nikki! You deserve some much needed rest and relaxation! By the way, I checked out and they were interviewing Rebecca Mader and she revealed that apparently Charlotte speaks Korean!!! I wonder if she has a connection to Sun's father?

  4. addendum to previous posting...its been a while since I've seen the fourth season so if this is a factoid that I missed, I apologize!

  5. christemple: I thought the same thing; I wonder how they're going to revisit that? It might actually prove that time loop theory correct! Maybe the plane comes back and someone else falls out of it. Or maybe that exact scene plays out again. If Locke actually moved the island back in time, maybe he has to redo certain things that he's already done, including the Boone debacle.

    obscure: I agree; Dan is definitely the cameraman in that video. I would love to have another glimpse of Dharma!

    Roland: Thank you! And yes, that was revealed in season 4 when Charlotte, Dan, Sun, and Jin went to the Staff station to get medical supplies for Jack's appendectomy. Charlotte overheard Jin talking to Sun and smiled as they cracked a joke, and that's when Jin knew. He spoke to her in Korean and told her if she doesn't get Sun on that helicopter he'll start breaking Dan's fingers. Since Charlotte then had nothing to do with getting Sun on that zodiac boat (it was Juliet who insisted while Charlotte just hung back) I'm thinking the Korean was there for a more important purpose.

    My problem with that? The woman required a translator at that archaeological dig for FRENCH, something that would have been taught at school, yet she speaks fluent Korean? Hm... must be something more to that.

  6. Color me even more excited!

    There was a shot of a Biohazard-suited individual coming out of one of the bunkers...perhap we're back in the past with Kelvin, Radinsky or one of their predecessors?

  7. thanks Nikki, oops silly me, NOW I do recall that could I forget, that was one of my fave scenes!
    I want that season 4 DVD now! LOL

  8. The time loop theory is very interesting. I actually played the Lost game "Via Domus". The main character escapes the island but is looped back to the plane crash. The second time around, things have changed. The game was created with the TV creators so this may hold some clues about the nature of the island and time.

    I just went through seasons 1 and 2 again with your guide. I will definately be picking up the rest.

  9. According to Lostpedia (which I believe on everything ;) ), they left the island on day 100.

    This says they left on day 108. Both are eery numbers, 100 cauz its kinda a nice number, 108 cauz its one of the numbers that has popped up. I guess its 108, wonder where Lostpedia lost those 8 days...

  10. I'm surprised you have a copy of the promo that is still working ! all the others have been pulled off YouTube with a note saying that Disney pulled them for copy right infringements. Way to go ! I hope it stays up a while so people can see it. it's a awesome promo !~

  11. Rob: They left the island on day 100, but were found in that fishing village on day 108 (Decker says so at the press conference). So I'm assuming that's what it meant, and since it's the significant number with the show, I think that's the one they'd be wedded to.

    Lisa: I've actually had to replace it twice. :) I'll try to keep on it; it gets taken down, others go up.

  12. It's on, so I doubt it'll get removed from there:;video;0


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