Friday, October 17, 2008

Some Lost Fun!

Maybe I'm just getting tired. Or maybe my days have been too long (it's currently 10:37pm and I've been writing non-stop since 8:15 this morning). But these videos just made me laugh so hard I had tears in my eyes. These two guys use the Lost action figures to act out fake scenes that have crossovers with other movies. But my poor beloved Hurley has somehow become the Kenny in all of them. Oh well, he'd probably think they were pretty funny. :) The Sawyer nickname kills me every time, and I LOVE the Jin doll. Okay, and Chah-lee is pretty hilarious, too. And the disheveled holier-than-thou Jack is spot-on. Come on, McFarlane! Let's get a Desmond doll!


  1. Those are amazing.

    Hmmm, what could I do with my Mohinder figure...

  2. Desmond? Where's my Sayid!?

  3. Those were excellent! Just the thing to get me off to a good day.


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