Thursday, December 04, 2008

Lost: The Season 5 Promo Shot

And here they are: the cast of season 5. But wow, holy airbrushed... click on the photo to see a larger version of it, or here to see even larger. They look a little alien-like. But I like it anyway.


  1. Why is Faraday missing a foot?

  2. Um... WHOA. I was just about to say oh don't worry, it's just behind the plant, but you're right. It's totally missing.

    Any other weird stuff going on in this picture?

  3. Isn't it weird enough that most of those guys weren't in the photoshoot but added in later? LOL. Look at Miles! you can see the different lighting on his head against the backdrop.

    And OMG the FOOT! WHERE IS IT?!?

    The horror...

    Anyway, I love the show!

  4. Alex: I think you're right. The very first thing I thought when I saw this photo is that the lighting is wrong on a lot of them. Maybe it's just the extreme airbrushing, but I think they were taken separately and then put in. Hmm... maybe they accidentally removed Dan's foot? Hahaha!

    But seriously, look at Sun. She looks completely separated from that coffee table behind her.

  5. Maybe it's just me (or the airbrushing) but it looks like Locke's head is on the wrong body. It just doesn't...look quite right.

  6. "I think you're right. The very first thing I thought when I saw this photo is that the lighting is wrong on a lot of them. Maybe it's just the extreme airbrushing, but I think they were taken separately and then put in. Hmm... maybe they accidentally removed Dan's foot? Hahaha!"

    Nikki: Some of the photos (definitely Locke) are from old promo stuff. So that's why they look Photoshopped in... they are, sadly.

    But I'm not sure that explains the missing foot.

  7. Yeah, I work with photoshop a lot and that's the first thing that jumped out at me - bad photoshop. It's a shame, cause the idea and the setting is cool, but it ends up looking fake and cheap. The individual cast shots look good though.

  8. Does anyone think it looks like this on purpose? Faraday is missing a foot. Maybe Sun is supposed to look detached from the photo. Maybe Matthew Fox is supposed to look as young as his Party of Five days. Maybe Locke's head isn't supposed to look right...

    I'm not trying to make excuses, but they have resources to make this flawless, and it looks odd and fake. I wonder if it does so on purpose?

  9. Phew. Sayid was hiding in the chair at the side. Scared me for a minute.

    Other glamourshot cast photos:




    Not really making a point, but aren't they pretty?

  10. "missing a foot"....


    You don't think it's behind those leaves in front of where his foot would be?

  11. ""missing a foot"....


    You don't think it's behind those leaves in front of where his foot would be?"

    No, his pant leg is clearly empty, not to mention also in front of the leaves. He has no left foot.

  12. This is so on purpose. It's a puzzle. I think everything in the picture has a meaning. What about the fact that they are in a Jungle themed warehouse in the middle of the city? That has to mean something. Maybe the island is hiding somewhere in plain site. Oh well, maybe I'm reading too much into this. But with this show, is that even possible?

  13. Anonymous, it's called perspective. Those leaves are in front of where Faraday is sitting. Take a look at the large pic that Nik posted. It's plain as day.

  14. "Anonymous, it's called perspective. Those leaves are in front of where Faraday is sitting. Take a look at the large pic that Nik posted. It's plain as day."

    It has nothing to do with perspective. His pant leg has nothing in it. He has no foot attached to his left leg.

  15. Anonymous, we'll just agree to disagree. I say leaves, you say missing foot. It's Lost, after all, anything's possible. :)

  16. It's clearly missing. If you look closely his pants leg is totally empty.

  17. Check out Miles right foot. Same thing?

  18. It looks to me like he has both feet.

    Oh, if only the season were starting now and we could check out Faraday's foot.

  19. Juliet's left foot/shoe is also partially missing. Maybe there was/is something supposed to be on the ground in front of Faraday/Ben/Juliet?

  20. Jabba: I blew the photo up so his pant leg is my entire screen... there's really no foot. In fact, it's clearly not a mistake; they've taken the foot out completely because you can even clearly see the back of the pant leg. People aren't just making stuff up. It's really not there. That's why I offered the really large version. Go and take a look at the link that I put up (not just clicking on the photo, which brings it up to medium size). The foot has been removed, and it's an empty pant leg. Like you, I was going to say it was hiding behind the plant, until I blew it way up and I couldn't believe it.

  21. I don't think they are each individually photoshopped in. I think they were all photoshopped together in front of New York.

    I wonder why they are now in New York. Last season it was L.A.

  22. Hi Nic. I haven't been gone just lurking... I wish I knew how to quit you, hehe!
    What about the city in the background? Its not the present because look at all the water towers on most of the buildings... they're old and held together on the outside with banding material... Could this be symbolic of the temporal shift? And look at how the vines seem to pass seamlessly through the window as if the room or the building itself just materialized there.
    This might be a stretch but what if the missing feet symbolizes that Faraday and Miles have one foot in another dimension (like one foot in the grave)We already know Miles has some special abilities, and maybe this is a harbinger of what we'll learn about Faraday having some "gift."
    Random observations:
    Sun is front & center... Perhaps she'll be pivotal in season 5?
    Sayid is faded... what does that mean?

  23. Sayid is faded because he's so hot he's turning into steam.

    What? Like I was going to let that pass?

  24. Where is Claire?

  25. cartographer: Oh, you will never quit me. :) Check out my next post for more on the missing pieces. I think there's definitely a reason for them.

    redeem: No, there was no way you could let that one go! :)

    DB: Claire is... possibly with Jin? :( But seriously, they've already said she won't be in season 5, but will be back for 6. So I guess that's why she's out.

  26. Cartographer, they still have water towers like that all over New York. I saw them making them on an episode of Dirty Jobs. Many buildings that are over 4 stories in New York either have to have a pump installed or put a water tower on top. Since a tower is cheaper many of them use them. They may look old style but they are usually replaced about every 15 years.

    DB, do you really want to know the answer to that question?

  27. The positioning of the characters is interesting. Ben between Locke and Jack. Juliet between Jack and Sawyer. Sun removed from the group and out in front of them all.

    Are these clues to the relationships and conflicts that will drive the season?

    The only thing I can come up with for missing feet and toes are perhaps references to the four-toed statue?

  28. It is a strange,incredibly photoshopped photo, but it reminds me of the ones that they used for The Sopranos and Six Feet Under in the later seasons of those shows.
    Was turned on to your blog by Christopher Lockett's girlfriend and it's become one of my absolute favourites!!

  29. my theory:

    daniel was on the rubber boat heading back to the island before it dissapeared. the way I think it happened, he got off the boat and stepped with his right foot on the island a second before it dissapeared but not in time to put both feet on the island.
    thus the left foot literaly “stayed behind”.


  30. How strange... The foot thing is obviously intentional, because I think lost is to professional to make that kind of mistake :P
    Another point is, did you notice that everyone is wearing black tops except Daniel, Charlotte and Locke? Well, we already know that Locke is dead (Well, he's not, but...) so maybe this is a clue towards Dan and Charlotte fate. Then again, Hurley, Desmond and Jack are also wearing blue shirts under black, so maybe I am just reading to far into this...


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