Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Breaking Up Is Hard To Do...

Hey all: Just a quick note that I'm going to be on CBC Radio One Wednesday morning between 9:30 and 10 (somewhere between there for about 15 minutes). I'm on a panel discussion with Denis McGrath about breaking up with your favourite television shows, and how difficult that can be. It's on Jian Ghomeshi's show, Q.

Check out Radio One on 99.1FM in Toronto, and 93.5FM in the London area, and 88.1FM in Vancouver (outside of Canada you can also listen to it online here).


  1. Kick his ass! Oh, wait, it's a panel. Umm, make your point vigorously!

  2. You're five hours ahead of us in the UK right? Not long to wait now:) Looking forward to it. I'm already thinking what the hell am I gonna do when Lost comes to an end in 2010! I don't think I have ever felt this way about a show since Twin Peaks. That show was over all too soon and I was left feeling quite empty when it ended...and in the way that it did.

    I have even been thinking that I might take a trip to Oahu before the series wraps up and take a Lost Tour with Kos Tours, but then I am thinking that doing this may ruin the whole Lost myth and would be better to leave well alone. Any thoughts on this Nikki? I went to Tunisia (didn't see any polar bears;) back in 2000 on a Star Wars locations tour and although it was amazing (although, I wasn't very well at the time) and was great to see where the old movies were filmed, I think it took away some of the myth of the films that I remember as a child and teenager. And that was years after Star Wars came out. So, how will it make me feel about Lost in years to come if I go to Oahu and see that it is indeed just a TV show and not real at all? Don't get me wrong, I know it is a TV show, but you know what I mean;)

    Thats what a good TV show like Lost is all about right? To escape a little and delve into something totally different from ones normal, sometimes difficult life. I'd dare anyone to admit that they aren't actually there on the island as they are watching the show. And what a show it is too:)

    Basically, if I go, will I regret going? Should I wait until filming stops? Should I not go at all?


  3. Just listened Nikki! Way to go! My only complaint is that you didn't get enough air time. Its weird when you know a person only by her picture then you get the voice afterwards! But nice radio voice! :) Hope you get to sell a few more books :)
    By the way, is the book offer still valid? (I'm of course buying it for the autograph of the newest on air celebrity...)

  4. P.s. Completely off topic Nikki, but I was wondering if you have seen any of the BBC's The Mighty Boosh? Have you seen anything of this wonderfully surreal, ridiculously funny TV show? It's in it's third series now. It's by Steve Coogans company Baby Cow. It kinda reminds me of the great The Flight Of The Conchords, what with the music and comedy and double act main characters. It is (besides Alan Partridge & The Office) my best Loved comedy TV series.
    I first discovered The Mighty Boosh with the last episode of season two called "The Nightmare Of Milky Joe" . This episode reminds me of Lost in that the two main characters (Howard & Vince) are marooned on a very small desert island and before you know it they are at each others throats and fall out with each other and Howard hastily divides the island up into two halves but in his haste he ends up with just sand and Vince with all the palms and leaves and coconuts etc. In their isolation they begin talking to their half eaten coconuts that seem to have faces and by the end of the episode the island is populated by a whole group of people made entirely of coconuts! The twist at the end is very funny and maybe exactly what has happened to the folk on Lost;) I was hooked and have never looked back. If you only watch one episode, watch this one:)


  5. I'm glad it seemed OK. Everyone -- including Denis himself, when he walked in -- had me prepared for Denis being very nasty and fighting the whole time, and then he was very gracious and never interrupted. So when he and Jian began talking about Heroes, I wanted to jump in and say that's an abusive relationship I'm still in, but thought it would be rude to cut them off. Next time I'll have to be more aggressive.

    Jason: I haven't seen the Mighty Boosh, but I've heard of it! I'll have to see if it's playing BBC Canada any time soon. :) Tell me: have you watched a UK series called No Heroics? I just saw a trailer for it yesterday and then Denis mentioned it on the show today and I'm in love with it already and need to watch it.

    Roland: Glad you liked it! Yes, I do have books (I just ordered more) so just email me and I can make it happen, baby!

    Jason again: I want to go to Oahu, too. Let's get a big group and we'll all go and pretend to be the survivors, and then it won't ruin the show!! I want to be Kate... no, Juliet... no, Sun... NO... Claire. Hm. No, I don't want to be Claire. I'll have to think about this. Wow, I'm just realizing how few females are on that island!

  6. If we can get lots of females to go all wanting to be Juliet...I'm definitely going:)

    As for No Heroics...I have yet to see it. It does sound good. I'll have a watch and see what I think.

    It was great listening to you on todays 'Q'. It's nice to put a voice to the picture...albeit a tiny picture on your blog.

    I remember The Wombles very much from my childhood. I always thought they were quite creepy! I have never been to Wimbledon Common just in case I ever have the misfortune to bump into one!!!


  7. Aaaagh! I missed it! I was going to listen online in my office this morning, but had a bunch of students coming in, and then I didn't listen to the repeat broadcast this evening (ironically, I suppose), because I was watching Lost. Is there somewhere I can get a recording of it?

  8. Chris: if you click on the Toronto link, it's playing right now (10:35 EST) and I'm going to be on in about 5 minutes. GO NOW!! :)

  9. I wish I'd read your blog this morning before the show. I was home. :(

    I'm still breaking up with Buffy. So far to not much effect.

    I broke up with Doctor Who in 1989 and again in 1996 and now it's back. So never say never, I guess.

  10. I wish I'd read your blog this morning before the show. I was home. :(

    I'm still breaking up with Buffy. So far to not much effect.

    I broke up with Doctor Who in 1989 and again in 1996 and now it's back. So never say never, I guess.


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