Wednesday, January 21, 2009

A Momentous Occasion

Today is an historic day... no, not for the reasons you're thinking. Yes, today is Obama's first day in office and his inauguration was amazing and his speech was inspiring and I felt like a witness to history and it's a new day.

Yadda yadda yadda. ;)

Now on to the IMPORTANT stuff (oh, KIDDING, you know I love him. But I don't want to alienate those 47% of readers I keep pissing off, according to one statistician anonymous commenter). Yes, folks, LOST begins again tonight!! I was going to use this space to type up a lengthy recap of season 4 for anyone who hasn't watched it seven times through in the fall (slackers). But thanks to two of my readers, Lauren and Becky, I don't have to! This is season 4 in about four and a half minutes, and it's really well done and I had to share (if the embedded video doesn't work, go here):

Also, I wanted to use this space to announce I'm officially a columnist on DocArzt's site, and will be posting a column over there every Thursday (based on our discussion, people, so chime in and help me out on this!!) which Doc wanted to call What Nikki Noticed (har). His announcement is here, and I'll be posting a link here every week to send you over to read it. There will also be columns by Marc Oromaner, who wrote "The Myth of Lost," and J. Wood, whose Lost column at Powell's is a favourite of many. I'm so thrilled to be part of this group of guys. I hope to do my part as the lone gal.

Tune in tonight after tonight's episode for an episode guide to the season's first two episodes! WHEEEEEEE!!


  1. so there. Locking my self in a room and having my husband tame the children.

  2. I am on the edge of my seat. I'm in the UK and we don't get it till Sunday night so i hav 2 go on internet silence until then so I don't spoil it.
    If you don't hear from me in a few days, I may have died.
    Bring on the Linus!!!

  3. The phone is unplugged, supplies have been stocked, the cats are set to "silent" ... and the party is set to begin! Saw the announcement over at Doc Arzt's blog ... does this mean that you'll be doing double-duty? TWICE as nice!

  4. Nikki, I'm so excited!!! :)

    Have you seen the Season 5 interviews with the cast? If not, I can send you guys a link.

  5. Recap show just starting.
    LOL And I'm glad to know I'm not the only nut out there that has PLANNED my life around this. I too will not take fact I left my friend a message and said "I'll be around tonight..but...LOST is on at 9 so call before then." LOL!! My boyfriend is a band director and his high school jazz band concert was comes before LOST! (Well, okay almost nothing. ANd just so you don't think I'm completely self-absorbed...I usually don't go to the smaller concerts anyway! :-p)

  6. UGH! What's the only that is going suck about tonight?? COMMERCIALS!!!! After watching the DVD's with NO pauses for commercials...grrrr. I could wait 20 min and then start watching so I can forward through most of them but I just don't want to wait!

  7. What did you think of that cold open?

    Got the book today, thanks so much!

  8. Twas a wild and woolly start to the season. Ana Lucia!

  9. Faraday and Desmond? Thrilling...
    You just know Desmond is going to play another huge part (he doesn't apply to the rules?)...

  10. Sincerely -- my father called me on the phone Monday and said, "Are you excited?"

    "Thrilled is more like it!" I said. "It's all I can do not to take the day off work tomorrow just so I can watch the tv coverage all day; I don't want to miss anything!"

    "Wait -- what are you talking about?"

    "Dad?!? Washington? New president? You know?"

    And -- no kidding -- the professor says to me, "History, schmistory; I'm talking about LOST!"

  11. Joshua: LOL! I actually said to someone yesterday, "Obama, Oschmama, Lost starts tonight!!"

    Hmm... were we separated at birth somehow, and that's actually my father?? ;)

    humanebean: PLEASE send along info immediately about how to silence a cat. I could seriously use it. ;)

  12. Fire Mind says: OOpps, I mean I just read your book on Season Three.. not season four, Nikki.


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