Thursday, February 05, 2009

Lost 5.04: Reincarnation??

So, maybe Locke will be reincarnated and that's how he'll get back to the island? (What do you think he'll come back as? Discuss.) I just got this comment on my blog about "The Little Prince," and loved it. I can't believe I missed that, since I throw EVERYTHING into anagram servers from this show and somehow missed this one. This is from reader Jeff Heimbuch:

Did anyone see the name on the side of the van Ben was driving?
It said "Canton-Rainier."
Remember when Jeremy “Locke” Bentham was in the funereal home called Hoffs-Drawler? And that turned out to be an anagram for “Flash Forward”?
Well, Canton-Rainier comes out to reincarnation, doesn't it?
Could that possibly MEAN something?!

It was definitely intentional. My money's on Locke. He'll be reincarnated as... Jacob? Aaron? A redshirt? (wow, that last one would suck for him) ;)


  1. Wouldn't that mean a different actor would have to play Locke? Because I can't really see that happening.

  2. Way to go Jeff! My son and I noticed the name on the truck, knew it probably meant something, but never tried to figure it out. Maybe Locke comes back as himself, but perfected, e.g., maybe he won't age anymore, like Richard?

  3. or maybe Ben is a reeincarnation of someone else...

    ...or more likely, Aaron is someone else reincarnated.

    Those clever little blighters behind Lost really know how to get these online boards lit up don't they?

  4. Like Barry I too noticed the name on the truck and kept thinking, "I should try to unscramble that name and see what it means." I'm not sure how this plays into the whole scheme of LOST, but I love it!

  5. I've been wondering how Locke could get back to the island. From the hints they've given it seems like he might leave the same way that Ben did and Ben clearly said that if he leaves that way he can't get back.

    If Locke is reincarnated that would kind of get around the whole thing since it wouldn't really be him? I guess?

    The big question is who is he reincarnated as? If he is?

  6. This is a great catch.

    I don't think it's Locke who gets reincarnated, though, or if it is that doesn't compute to me with bringing his body back to the island -- unless, say, it has to be buried there to be reborn there, which is a possibility tying into the "healing" powers and "specialness" of the island. More likely that Aaron is a reincarnation in some way of who- or whatever Jacob is, as has been suspected.

    Perhaps if Locke's body is somehow buried on the island at a point in time before Aaron is born, Aaron is himself Locke reincarnated, although then you'd have their souls existing contemporaneously for a month plus before the departure of the Oceanic Six.

  7. Just to comment on Ben saying that if you leave, you can never get back. This could just be a ruse so that once Locke leaves, he understands that he can't go back and would be willing to die. Which again Richard states he has to do (but could that be because Richard knows Locke dies?)

  8. Maybe Locke is meant to replace Christian as Jacob's "voice". Probably means that when Locke comes back, he might not be the same Locke. Maybe he'll have hair and look like Jesus or something :) J/k.

    I remember watching an Easter Egg on the Season 4 Blu-ray. Damon Lindelof mentioned resurrection and that sometimes it's not a good thing. He brings up Stephen King's Pet Cemetary.

    Maybe Hurley's message to Jack "you're not supposed raise him" really did mean Locke and not Aaron.

    Ah, the mind boggles... :)

  9. I think Locke has already been reincarnated. Desmond and Penny had a baby at around the same time Locke probably died.

  10. Oh no.
    I think Aaron's gonna get soul-swapped!

    Then again...maybe Jacob is soul hopping through various characters...

    This is too much to think about!

  11. edgeshat : Maybe Locke is meant to replace Christian as Jacob's "voice".

    Which reminds me that Christian got there -- he returned, if he was indeed on the island before -- by dying. And he can not only be seen if he chooses to (?) but talk, not just when in Jacob's cabin either; remember, if Claire died in that house in New Otherton / Old Dharmaville, Sawyer et al. saw her (and she didn't even realize that she was dead until going off with Christian that night in the forest). The reincarnation citation, if it's not a total red herring, may not have anything to do with Locke or even Jacob, or if it does it's not necessarily how Locke resumes voice and mobility on the island.

  12. Remember the easter egg from the season 4 DVD:

    While highlighting "The Course of the Future: The Definitive Flash-Forwards", press right, then press down and then right again then select it to see Damon Lindelof talking about reincarnation.

  13. Random comment: I saw "walt" in a Tyson chicken commerical yesterday. LOL!! What a step down!

  14. For a minute... I lost myself into this blog... it's the nicest one and I will be able to read all its entries, but, I would like to understand, why you are mentioned the reincarnation topic?


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