Wednesday, February 25, 2009

While You Wait for Lost...

I know you're on here early waiting for my blog post to go up on tonight's Lost, so while you wait, check out this HILARIOUS thread on Reddit. It all started when someone posted the following line: "If you watch Jaws backwards, it's a movie about a shark that keeps throwing up people until they have to open a beach." So other people have been posting their ideas. Some of my faves:

If you watch Rambo backwards, it's Sylvester Stallone healing people with his magical bullet vacuum.

If you watch Scarface backwards, it's about a man who gives up cocaine and crime to follow his dream of becoming a dishwasher to earn enough money so he can visit Cuba.

If you watch LOST backwards you realize it's the same thing as if you would watch if forward.

If you watch Heroes backwards you realise that it's been getting progressively better over time.

If you watch Firefly backwards you realize that Fox executives are still a bunch of retarded assholes.

Check out the complete thread here.


  1. Incredibly Funny! Can't think of a better thing to peruse while we wait for your review. Thanks Nikki!

  2. Oh my god, that's exactly what I thought about Firefly and the executive tards!

  3. Thanks for posting this - I've shared it around and people love it!!


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