Tuesday, April 14, 2009

So Long, Farewell, Auf Wiedersehn, Goodbye!

Well, folks, I'm off to Merry Olde England. Land of castle ruins, My Bloody Valentine, and Penelope Widmore. I'll be travelling around London and Wales. Last time I was there I went through Scotland and adored it (did you hear that, Desmond? I'd be willing to MOVE) and I've never done Wales, so I'm excited. I will be gone from, well, today, until April 23.

The bad news, gentle readers, is I won't be getting a Lost blog up tomorrow night. This probably saddens me more than it does you. But never fear: I know people come here to discuss the show, and discuss it you can! I've got a post that will go live at 10pm EST (when the EST version of the ep has aired) and you can feel free to discuss. Meanwhile I'll be coughdownloadingcough the episode where I am, probably watching it while my husband bombs through tiny, tiny roads (seriously, my British readers, why are your roads so narrow?? once we were going to see one of the white horses and the tiny tiny road literally disappeared in front of us; the car practically dropped off a cliff and we were flying downhill like Hurley in that VW van... frakkin' terrifying) and then I'll write up something about it on Thursday. It will probably appear mid-afternoon your time, but it's the best I can do. And I don't think it'll be as thorough as I'm used to making it, because I'll probably only get to watch it once. Not sure I'll be able to do my DocArzt post this week, either. :::sob::: But what I'll do is update the post where y'all have been commenting and discussing it, so your comments will still be attached to that post. I won't look at them before I write it (I don't want the spoilers!) so I'll probably just be repeating everything you've all said anyway. :)

Next week's episode (April 22) is a clip show, so there won't be a post on that one, either. However, it might be a good one to watch, because I believe they're recapping the season. I'm not a big one for the recap shows, but this season has been such a rollercoaster ride (more than ever I have friends saying to me, "Oh my GOD I'm so confused... I have NO idea what's happening anymore) so I think it's time the show offers something like this.

I hope to blog on things I see or hear in England while I'm there; they'll be short blasts, but, I hope, fun. And I'll be checking in during the evenings.

And I'm leaving it to my regular readers who tend to be the first ones commenting on the Lost posts and the ones who come back several dozen times a day (you know who you are) to sort of moderate for me, if you don't mind. Thankfully, I have a pretty troll-free site (yay!) but if any come out of the woodwork, it's whack-a-troll time. I leave it in your capable hands. :)

Goodbye! I shall miss you! Enjoy tomorrow night's episode. And then let the Star Wars vs. Norse mythology arguments begin!!


  1. Wow! Have a great time, Nik. My sweetheart and I are headed to vacation tomorrow as well - and we ALMOST decided on England and Wales! Instead, we are saving some $$ and visiting northern New Mexico - a place we've always wanted to see. Enjoy your travels and tell us all about it when you get the chance.

  2. I forgot to add that we'll be watching this week's episode somewhere over Ohio - thank heavens for JetBlue and their seatback TV sets!

  3. Have a wonderful trip. We'll miss you.

  4. Have fun... we'll take care of your blog. She'll do just fine (we hope...)

  5. Have fun! We'll do our best to keep the Lost fires burning!

  6. Have a great time Nikki. I'm in the Uk myself at the moment although leaving on Friday. Hopefully the weather might have cheered up a bit before you get here - 20 degrees in London tomorrow!
    One of those white horses is near where my parent's live -on the edge of an escarpment, I wonder if it was the same one.

  7. Aww you'll have 2 watch it via the internet like all the other Lost addicts in my country who can't wait till Sunday. You try going four days whilst the Americans are a buzz about the latest plot twists on the internet, it's not fun, lol
    Have a great time and if you pass Charles Widmore don't be afraid to mount the curb and take his ass down

  8. Cheers, Nikki! Have a marvellous time... We'll be checking in regularly for your insights!

    By the way, just got Finding Lost Season 4 for my birthday, and it's bloody fantastic. Thank you, and Namaste!

  9. Enjoy Blighty, Nik! And if you think waiting until Sunday is bad, spare a thought for those Aussie fans (those who don't cough:download:cough!) who are three weeks behind (He's Our You airs tonight).

    And I know it's just me, but when I see the title of this week's ep, I can hear Robert Palmer singing 'Some like it hoth, and some sweath when the heath is on!' I know, there's something wrong with me...

  10. Nikki, sounds like a fantastic trip. I did the same thing--fell in love traveling around Scotland and then went back for England and Wales (do check out Tintern Abby if you're nearby--it's fantastic).

  11. Have a wonderful trip! We'll miss you even though you'll be checking in periodically!

  12. Enjoy your vacation, Nikki! And the next time you make it over the great pond, make sure you visit Germany! Have a great trip and get back safely.

    And by the way, this weeks LOST is supposed to be of a more comedic nature - so it's probably the perfect timing to go on a mythology free trip to Europe!

  13. Lucky you! Have a great trip, and try to work a visit to York into your itinerary while you're there (though I would shoot for during the week, as it's a pretty big destination for local British tourism at week's end). It still holds a lot of that old world, slate-roof-and-stovepipe, Disney's-Peter-Pan England kind of vibe, much more so than someplace like London. And the burgeoning comic geek in you can even stay in the house where Guy Fawkes was born. Cheers!

  14. Look on the bright side, you might be missing Lost but the last three Pushing Daisies episodes are airing over here right now, you can catch them sooner than you would have in America.

  15. Have a fantastic trip, Nikki! We will most definitely miss you, but will endeavor to carry on in your absence.

    My sister and I did London last spring and I'm dying to do Scotland. Someday.

    Safe trip!

  16. I'm here! Exhausted (I've slept 3 hours in the past 36) but here. I'm about to head down to dinner. Just a couple of comments:

    batcabbage: Ack, you and I think alike! You just took the Robert Palmer joke I had in my postdated blog for tomorrow night. Oh well. I shall leave it there as a tribute. :)

    Scott: That's SO funny you should say that, because I'm about 30 minutes from Tintern Abbey right now and it's where we're headed tomorrow morning!

    Josh: I'm too far from York (we're doing Wales and the west, and that's northeast) but I did it for 4 days the last time and adored it. It was so amazing.

    AG Wooding: What what?! Tell me more! When do they air? Is it tonight? I must know!!

    Best moment today: driving into the village where the B&B was and having to negotiate a road the size of a sidewalk that was two ways. And I DID it!

    Worst moment: We were standing outside in the very humid air and a fly flew into my mouth and straight down my throat. It was HORRIBLE.

  17. Pushing Daisies is on fridays on ITV1 at 10:35pm, it's definately a never b4 aired 1 i hav checked a few dozen times jst 2 b sure, bt u mite only b able 2 catch the first one if yor not in england 4 very long

  18. The Question Mark15 April 2009 at 18:47

    Hey, Nikki!
    Hope you have a "smashing good holiday", as they say in the UK.
    Give the Widmores my best, and if you get a chance, try Banoffi Pie...since you first mentioned it in your FL book, I've been itchin to try some!

  19. I knwew it Dr.chang/candel/wick was miles pa

  20. @lostie815: please refrain from comments with regards to this episode on a non Lost post. This can spoil it fr non-North American viewers.

    Please wait for the 10:00 pm post by Nikki.

  21. sorry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  22. Hey, I'm sorry. Buut if you dont want people from U.S.A. (Where the show is made) then please show us (Americans) that you are Non-American. Thakn you. Hopefully In England or wherever you are from, Lost is as entertaining as it is in AMERICA.

  23. No worries, just a warning so not too much is revealed by accident.

    We should start a live chat/forum somehow to discuss the show live for those who see it and watch it as it airs. It's just so tempting to talk about it.

    I'm guilty of going to previous posts to do so.

  24. Have fun, Nikki! And if you see Charlie's ghost busking on a streetcorner...

  25. It's OK, I understand what you mean about Live Chats sometimes i just want to yell something during the show... only to get yelled at

  26. Actually haven't watched the episode yet and just read the comment about Pierre Chang being Miles's dad. Not much of a spoiler really, I saw it coming but please no more, it's bad enough I have 2 wait until sunday without ruining it, :)

  27. I went to Wales two years ago and loved every moment of it (including the too-narrow roads). Mostly northwest Wales, around Snowdonia (sorta sounds like the mythical country in the Marx Brothers' Duck Soup, doesn't it? Oh wait, that was Freedonia).

    If you're going to be in Wales, you should really visit the scene of one of Lost's biggest influences, The Village, from The Prisoner, in Portmeirion. It's an amazing place and hasn't really changed much since they filmed the landmark Patrick McGoohan series there. It might not be as nice as visiting Lost locations in Hawaii, but if you're a fan of The Prisoner it's a real headtrip to be on its actual location.

  28. Benny you are going to be a great moderator (or whackatrollster!) LOL

    Nikki better come back soon, or else her blog will be called Ben at Nite when she returns :)

  29. Haha! Thanks, but I don't think Nikki's blog is one to actually require a moderator except on the rare occasion.

    I think this was just a case of overexcitement and wanting to share. So far the Lost post has been more tame than in recent weeks.

  30. Have a great time. Do not forget to go to Cardiff for the Doctor Who Exhibition. Saw the one in Brighton about 5 years ago. Was awesome!

  31. "Well, folks, I'm off to Merry Olde England. Land of castle ruins, My Bloody Valentine, and Penelope Widmore."

    No, no...My Bloody Valentine took place in the US.

    What do you mean you aren't talking about the early 80's slasher flick?


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