Wednesday, April 29, 2009

While You Wait for Lost...

Thanks to fb for the link!


  1. That was hysterical! I love coming here because I never know what you'll have up next :)

  2. There's nothing like some good comic relief before a Lost episode

  3. That is the funniest thing I've seen in ages. And may I say, BEST. WIGS. EVER! Also, now I want a cheeseburger.

  4. I was waiting for the lines "I know what you are." "Say it." [whispers] "Carnivore." (They'd have to let the cheeseburger talk, but if it was done in voiceover like in the spots for the actual movie it would've worked.)

  5. Lets get the LOST ball rolling here with a question of time. Its 1977 and Daniel is back. He wants to visit his mother at the Other camp. How can that be? When Desmond visited him at Oxford, wasn't that in the late 70's? Wasn't his mother already older by then since she congratulated him at his graduation? Whenever I think I have a handle on things, I get LOST again.

  6. @dynaflow1: Desmond visited Daniel at Oxford in 1996, when he was supposed to be in the Scottish regiment.

    Graduation likely happened slightly prior to or after that period. If she is on the island in 1977 and goes moves off that year with young Daniel, then it's possible that he graduated in the first half to mid 1990s.

  7. That is greatness. The overweight-bad wig James is just too funny.

  8. Regarding the sub by which Dan came with other scientists, I think it had been summoned by Dr Chang because someone passed out at the Orchid and another one died at the Swan. I believe that they had been asked to study on the reasons. That's why Dr Chang welcomed the group at the pier saying "alright, ladies and gentlemen, you know why you are here..."

  9. @Anon: very unlikely. The sub arrive during the evening of day X. The death at the swan happens ON day X while the Orchid incident is the following day. Unless some transportation magic happens (and I can show it doesn't in this case), that's not the reason for the sub.

    This is just a secret team of scientists in line for the secret Swan station.

  10. I'm thinking that Dan willingly sacrificed his life for The Greater Good as discovered by him and his Ann Arbor colleagues.

    If he seriously wanted to chat with his mummy, he would not have stormed into Camp Hostile with gun blazing.

  11. If Daniels theory comes true, then the bomb goes off which means Desmond's failure to press the button doesn't make flt 815 crash, which also means that Daniel doesn't have to get on the ship and he lives. Bad news is that Daniel's mind is still trashed from his experiments. Or does he still get on the ship to help find Ben? Man oh man, I got nothing.

  12. @dynaflow: From event probability, Daniel will still die in 1977. But how he would actually get there likely would not be by the freighter and Ben moving the island. Another event (with probability = 1 as determined by 1977 changing) would be the cause of his time travel.

    This would also prevent the creation of a seemingly paradoxical situation that would suggest changing the past is an impossibility.

    I'm actually working on a mathematical brief on how such a paradox can be avoided in theoretical work. I'll post it on the actual Lost post.


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