Monday, May 04, 2009

The Battle of the Cakes!

So after my previous post about Jazzygirl's awesome Lost cake, I got another email from Erin, one of my readers, whose enterprising husband put together his own Lost cake for her birthday a few months ago. This one involves the whole island, and thought it was hysterically brilliant:

This is a cake designed by a true fan. Erin's husband has crashed the plane into the beach (another close-up she sent me shows that he's written "Oceanic" on the side of the plane with a Sharpie), and stuck the tail section on the other beach (HA!!) There's the lid of those garbage pail candies near the fuselage beach, representing the hatch; the smoke monster is looming near the tail section beach (those are small black pompoms) and he's even included the sonic fence, made of Cadbury's chocolate fingers. Here's another angle:

And come on... The Black Rock is even there. I love this cake. Who knew there were such enterprising husbands and co-workers out there?!

When I posted on the first cake, though, one of my readers left a comment with this cake, from Cake Nouveau, instead. Oh, how I love you, Lost, but this cake is my new most-wanted thing. :)


  1. You and I had clever wedding cakes, Nik, but the art of cake-making (especially pop culture-themed cakes) has taken off since then. Impressive stuff.

  2. Yay! My cake is on Nik at Nite! Love. It. Can't wait to show my husband.

    No idea how he's going to top this one at next year's birthday... guess he'd better start planning now!

  3. Well, dammit, I suppose I have to send in pics of Holly's awesome Dharma Initiative cake from my birthday in '07 now...

  4. Jer: Maybe I need to make this Nik at Nite's cake week. My wedding cake was the best cake EVER. Until I saw yours. That was true awesomeness.

    Erin: How to top that cake? I suggest a life-sized Desmond cake. And then invite me. ;)

    joshua: Send away!!

  5. Wow! This is awesome!!
    Nikki, I shall have to look for pics of your wedding cake if you have them on here. I'm curious!

  6. I'm not sure if you know the show or not but this Saturday on the Food Network the show Ace of Cakes is having a LOST special where they make a cake for the 100th episode. Many of the LOST cast members will be in the episode.

  7. OMG -- that Buffy cake is one of the most awesome things I've ever seen! I'm going to start telling everyone NOW that they have to get me that for my 50th birthday since that will give them two years to plan and save! ;-)

  8. I'm not sure if you know the show or not but this Saturday on the Food Network the show Ace of Cakes is having a LOST special where they make a cake for the 100th episode. Many of the LOST cast members will be in the episode.Eeeee. Must. Not. Forget. To. Watch.

    I love Ace of Cakes. I'm enjoying Last Cake Standing, too. I'm amazed at what cake makers can do these days. Go fondant!

  9. Yes those cake makers are amazing!
    Yay! I thought that episode had already aired! I'll have to DVR it! Jorge Garcia posted pictures of the cake on his blog a long time ago. It's freakin' over the top!!!!
    So fyi, we finished the cake off today. Yesterday, another co-worker was trying to help cut slices and I turned my back and when I turned back she had stabbed Sawyer right in the face!! *cries* I screamed NOOOO! She dropped the knife like a deer in headlights. She's like "I'm sorry! I don't know who these people are!!" I must have looked seriously bummed out because today she said "I really feel bad about yesterday." LOL I told her it was fine...I have last year's LOST calendar in my backroom behind my classroom, permanently on Sawyer's month. :-p

  10. LOL Jazzygirl. I love these cakes. Now that I have more people in my family hooked on Lost, maybe they'll get me one for my birthday :) I can hope.

    hmmmmmmm Sawyer or Ben? :P

  11. I.want.that.cake! I'll even move to Michigan...


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