Sunday, May 31, 2009

Ben Linus Scares Children

Thanks to Sonshine for sending me this, which made me laugh out loud. I didn't think I could love Michael Emerson any more, but now I DO. This is SO great. Watch right to the end.

By the way, if this doesn't work (those NBC embedded videos are usually crap), you can click here for the link.


  1. lol that's great. He is such a great actor !

  2. That's hilarious. Fallon, on the other hand, is useless. So happy I don't watch the show. Barry Gibb is the only thing he does well.

  3. The nursery rhyme was hysterical, but I am telling you, I totally want one of those pumpkin pictures! If they started making prints of them people would probably buy them! (Like me :) lol)

  4. I had seen the video of the story before, but the rest of it was all new to me. Thanks!

    It's so strange that his pictures are so creepy, too, given that every interview I have ever seen him in makes him seem like the nicest guy in Hollywood.

  5. Emerson is so good that even though I know the ending of the poem I totally expected him to say "die" instead of "cry".

  6. Knowing that he's married to Carrie Preston from True Blood, they must have the best 'what did you do at work today honey?' discussions ever.


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