Saturday, May 16, 2009

Quick Call for New Yorkers

Don't worry, I still have PLENTY to say about Lost, but I was wondering if there's anyone out there who lives in NYC or who will be in Manhattan in the next week or so? If so, could you email me? And now back to our regularly scheduled discussion of Lost. :)

UPDATE: Actually, maybe it's easier if I just SAY what I'm doing so people don't think I'm looking to bum a spot on their sofa or something, LOL! I'm currently editing an amazing episode guide to Gossip Girl, much like the format of the books that I do. The author had a trip planned to NYC to take some location shots used in the show, but something prevented her from getting there, so I'm looking for someone who might be able to take some photos of the locations we need for the book. I have the list (it's about 10, and honestly, if you could even do one or two that would be ACES) and can send it to anyone who emails me. Let me know if you'd be in the area and might be interested!! (Free signed copy of the GG book to anyone who can help me!) Thanks to the New Yorkers who have already emailed me!!

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