Saturday, May 30, 2009

Random Lostiness for a Saturday

Dear Diary: It is Day 9 of my captivity. Between my notes on the episodes and the book itself, I've written 90,000 words. I think I'm getting carpal tunnel. And I'm having dreams about smoke monsters. And one involving Ben. I was actually on the island, and he was telling me that my daughter was the key to it all. And then Damon stepped in and clarified that by that he meant they were going to cast my daughter in the role of the key to it all. Seriously, this dream happened. I think I may be going mad.

So... that's how my diary would read right now, if I actually kept one. Here's a very funny article imagining how the diaries of various Lost characters would read if they actually kept them, too. Some of these are laugh-out-loud hilarious. I'm not sure what's funnier: the title of Jack's entry or Ben's P.S. Thanks to batcabbage for the link! (Oh, just don't read the comments. They're mostly written by spammers, Lost haters, or troglodytes. In some cases, all three in one.)

Our very own Lisa has been crafty, with a site on Etsy, and she's just started up a blog where she's offering one of her Dharma items as a prize in a contest. Go here to check it out, and good luck, Lisa!

Some very crafty Lost fan posted a review for a dining kit on as Richard Alpert. It's freakin' hilarious, and another fan wrote a similar one for Everything That Rises Must Converge, the book that Jacob was reading in the finale, pretending to be Jacob on the Borders site. Go here and click on Customer Reviews under the book. Thanks to Eamonn for these links! It makes me happy that Lost fans are slowly taking over the interwebs.

And now, back to my captivity. Only one more day...


  1. Funny you should mention a diary, I was watching a old episode of lost, it was after Clair was taken by the others, and Charlie was waiting, and found Clair's Diary. He was torn if he should read or not.
    That was also the episode where Walt was cornered by the polar bear, and Michael and Lock came to the rescue!

  2. Richard's review was my favorite. XD

  3. Thanks for the review links--very funny, and a whole new genre to consider. LOL.

  4. And congratulations on the extraordinary accomplishment on your writing! How do you do it? I'm in awe.

  5. Wow, just read the comment section on that diary entry blog, I think i'll go and scream into a pillow for the next five minutes and then come back to it, lol, it is actually unbelieveable how naive some people can get. Why did they waste time reading a blog when they clearly don't like the show?? The mind boggles....

  6. The Richard review was hilarious.

    Jacob on the book was so hysterical.

    So many thoughts in my head right now about fake book reviews everywhere. I...must...refrain...

  7. thanks for the link to the blog Nikki, every little bit help when trying to get new people over to the blog. I love making LOST things, Now I'm off to make a Desmond necklace for someone. lol

  8. if you want to read some funny stuff go to the forums on .


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