Thursday, May 21, 2009

The Rewatch Blog!

So, it seems many of you are content with the way this blog works and looks, and a website wouldn't change things for you. Frankly, I enjoy the blog, I was simply responding to some comments from people saying they were finding 300+ comments a LOT to slog through (thankfully, 300+ comments is the vast exception, and certainly not the rule around here). Besides, a website could get costly and annoying and is more conducive to ads. I prefer our clean little place here. I mean, has anyone tried loading up Lostpedia recently? Cripes... the time it takes for that World of Warcraft ad to finish playing through has me jumping to another site in the meantime. SLOW.

So what I did instead for our rewatch is I just took out another blog name. lostrewatch was already taken (drat) so I took out Lost-rewatch. I chose a template that is identical to this one, and that way it'll simply look like another page off this site. It'll be an easier place for us to navigate if I limit it to our rewatch recaps only, and then we do our other discussions over here. I hope that works for everyone! :)

I'll always post here when something is posted over there, so you won't miss anything if you're mainly following this one.

By the way, this is me procrastinating when I should be writing. The shoes are already ordered by size and colour, my spice rack is in alphabetical order, I've cleaned two washrooms and both kids' bedrooms. I'm in pain here. Hey, CC, you don't want to write a second episode guide on top of that Gossip Girl one, do you?

OK, back to work. For reals.


  1. Oh but if you were only loading up those Lostpedia pages on a sweet new iMac .... running an Apple Airport Extreme wireless network .....

    ; ]

  2. I just got through with my own rewatch of Seasons 1-4 with my dad. We started on Season 5 Tuesday night. It's all still fresh in my head since it's only been a few months since we started from scratch, so I definitely look forward to participating.

    I think my next personal rewatch is going to be Fringe, though. You really should get involved in that one, Nikki. It really hit a stride midseason.

  3. I'm very excited you're participating in the rewatch. :)

    I actually just ordered Season 4 online a couple days ago. It should get here tomorrow, so I'll be fully prepared for the rewatch (well, with the purchase of season 5 when that comes out in a few months).

  4. lol a clean work space is equally as important.

    By the way, I recommend watching Glee if you have free time. 'Tis another good debut/preview. Fringe is equally as enticing as Lost.

  5. Agreed with Beej. WATCH FRINGE!

  6. By the way, this is me procrastinating when I should be writing.Glad to know I'm not the only one who works that way ;)

  7. Hey Nikki!
    I am a regular reader of your blog (love it!), but I am rarely a commenter. I just wanted to let you know that I love your blog—and I am really excited for the lost re-watch! I can't wait to start picking up on all of the little details that didn't seem to mean much at the time, but now I know better!

  8. let's swap episode by episode! there are a lot of timeline issues in GG (is there a frozen donkey wheel in the basement of the Palace?) and a case can be made for Chuck Bass as Ben Linus substitute -- evil but fascinating, manipulative liar, mother died giving birth to him...

  9. Random note of the day: How Bruce Springsteen Created LOST (sort of):

  10. Oh, this is not good. I just convinced my wife to start watching Lost, and now you tell me that I have to wait till July? ;-)

    BTW, about two or three seasons ago, I've convinced my father in-law to start watching Lost with me, so we saw the first 2 or 3 seasons from the beginning, and continued afterwards. Now it's my wife's turn.

  11. Oh but if you were only loading up those Lostpedia pages on a sweet new iMac

    Oh, inhumanebean, you just HAD to bring that up, didn't you?? ;)

    Beej and Robert: I posted a few months ago about Fringe, and how I'd lost a couple of episodes off my PVR so I decided to scrap it and wait for the DVDs. The first 4 episodes were so-so, but it made me happy enough that I didn't want to stop watching. I just ran out of time with the season 4 book in the fall and then Lost starting up (when Lost is on, I don't have time to do much else!) But yes, I will definitely go back to it and then post again.

    Robert: OK, so I saw the ad for Glee on the day it was going to air and thought it looked hilarious, and then forgot to set the PVR (d'oh). I remembered at 10, and it aired at 9. No worries, I thought, I'll timeshift it. Nope. It wasn't picked up by a Canadian network, apparently, so it's only available on the US one. So I clicked to the following Tuesday... and nothing. It doesn't appear to be airing next week. Can someone give me the sitch on this show? Was it a preview episode? Is the run of the series starting? When is the next ep? I definitely want to see it! I'll download the first one off iTunes or something.

    Crissy: And don't forget that Ben is SO hot!! LOL!

  12. Heads up! If Nikki's new book does gangbusters, she's taking all of her blog family to Hawaii for the finale for Lost May 2010!

    That is so generous of you Nikki!


  13. Oh, my - "inhumanebean" - HOOT of the day!

    Yes, of course, I HAD to bring it up. I'm a bad, bad man. ; ]

    On Glee : I watched the pilot that aired Tuesday evening and was *shocked* to learn that the series itself will not air until the fall! Apparently, this was a one-off for now to take advantage of the American Idol lead-in and promote it for the fall lineup. Oh, the tortured manipulation of it all.

    While I found the show interesting and very funny in spots, overall I felt it dragged a bit and needs to step up its game to be a 'playah' in the fall. The singing is fantastic and the music selection was particularly rewarding but some of the characters were a bit flat. I'm sure that they will do more with the ever-brilliant Jane Lynch (as the bulldog cheerleading coach) in the series itself - she was almost single-handedly my reason for tuning in.

    Not sure where it will be available for online viewing but I will keep my eyes open and pass along the link if someone doesn't beat me to it!

  14. asiancolossus: LOL!!! Oh you know I would if I could!!

    humane: Thanks for the heads up! So will that episode re-air as the pilot in the fall, I'm assuming? Maybe I should wait until then. I adore Jane Lynch.

    Completely off-topic, when I was responding to the post this morning my 4-year-old daughter came in, saw my screen, gasped, pointed at your avatar and said, "Mommy! What happened to his FACE?!"

    I told her it was an unfortunate electromagnetic accident. But that you can see REALLY FAR AWAY.

  15. Sounds like a magnificent plan, all around!

    Also, glad to know I'm not the only one who gets a bizarre assortment of chores done when they should be writing. Seems the only time I ever WANT to clean a bathroom is when I'm facing a blank Word screen...


  16. when I was responding to the post this morning my 4-year-old daughter came in, saw my screen, gasped, pointed at your avatar and said, "Mommy! What happened to his FACE?!"

    I have a 4-year-old niece who points at me and asks my sister the same thing.

    Yeah, Nikki, you should really watch Fringe when you can. I'm looking forward to the DVDs just for the features, and I was thrilled to hear it's coming back.

    I already posted over on the Lost rewatch blog, but, though I'm sure I'll bring it up again as the time draws near, I wanted you to know you may not see me there at first. Family's visiting in July and I'll probably be out of town with them for a week to boot. Plus I'm honestly spending more time here than is good for me, since I only have so much writing time and am working on some projects of my own. Every time I think I'll just forget the rewatch, though, I think of how much I've enjoyed discussing Lost with you all, not to mention how out of the loop I'll feel when the next season starts and you're referring to your brilliant finds from past seasons.

  17. haha, I feel your writer's procrastination pain!

    I'm a freelance translator working from home - do you know what I do when I'm procrastinating? I come to your site!

    as for the lost rewatch, I'd love to participate! Now, I just have to find a set of DVDs....

  18. Nik: hahahahahahaha! That's priceless! Yes, it's the way my friends and family have always wanted to see me - one eye WIDE open and no mouth at all...

    Blam: suck it UP, dude! Who needs sleep? No, seriously, we know it's a big investment of time ... but just ask yourself ... who's more important- your family or US here in the blogosphere?

    Careful how you answer that, my friend...

  19. Oh, and just a hot tip for those looking for Season 1&2 - don't forget to check your local library system. I own 3&4 but was thrilled to find the first two on loan. AND, of course, Seasons 1&2 come out on glorious BLU-RAY in a few weeks!

  20. If you re-watch the last episode, when Juliette is pounding the bomb to make it explode, the screen goes to white and just under the sound of the musical score you can make out the sound that we are used to when the Losties jumped through time when the donkey-wheel was askew. This suggests to me that the wheel has been turned again, rescuing the losties from the explosion. Perhaps it is Sun or someone from the Ajira flight?


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