Wednesday, May 20, 2009

While You Wait for...

...oh wait. Lost isn't on tonight. WAAAAAAHHHH....

Thanks to Roland for sending this my way! ABC has begun a new series of commercials called "ABC House" promoting their shows by putting two characters from different series together in one scene. Watch as Wisteria Lane clashes with... the island.

Oh, and here's today's JJ Abrams and Queen Victoria. Baahahahaha!


  1. I woke up this morning with the same thought I usually do on this day: "Hurray! It's Lost day!" The disappointment that followed was crushing. As Benny said in another thread: '8 FRAKKING MONTHS!!' It's gonna be hell.

  2. That's a funny mashup - though it reminds me how I tried watching Desperate Housewives and found it tres boring.

  3. Batty: You know, I say every Thursday morning we get together and talk about the fantasy episode that played out in our heads. "Wasn't that AWESOME when Widmore and Ben had that big high noon showdown in front of the saloon and then suddenly Nikki and Paulo showed up as zombies coming towards them and instead of shooting each other they both turned and took out Nikki and Paulo together and then hugged and became besties??"

    Hm. This is why they don't let me write Lost. Sigh.

    redeem: You got further than I did. I've never seen a single scene of the show. ;)

  4. Nik: That's a great idea! But if we have zombies, we should also have robots. And I like the saloon angle. Perhaps a Deadwood vibe? Al Swearengen could be Maybesau's boss, and Jacob is moving in on his whorin' and gamblin' action...

    Yeah, it's a good thing I don't write Lost either, I think.

  5. Hmm... you're not too far off, actually!! I mean, the actress who plays Juliet's sister is Calamity Jane; MaybEsau is Silas; and creepy dude in the woods is Farnum. Damn, we've already got part of the cast right there!

  6. And let's not forget Cassidy, who plays Joanie Stubbs. And Trixie the whore, who Sun shot on the boat, and was Pickett's (was it Pickett?) wife. Lostwood!

  7. Are you feeling Lost without Lost tonight? (I know I am). Well, my brilliant sister, AchingHope, has written a fake episode to follow up the season finale. I've posted it up on my blog so please stop by and check it out. If nothing else, it should make you laugh (and maybe go a tiny bit toward easing that Lost sized hole in your Wednesday/Thursday).

    I'm going to stick this on a couple threads, cause I don't know who's reading what anymore...

  8. That's fantastic. One of my favorite things in the world is when networks, shows, and celebrities can really poke fun at themselves, like Tom Hanks did past week on the SNL Celebrity Jeopardy skit.

    I always consider taking oneself too seriously a sign of insecurity.

    Seeing ABC do stuff like this makes me think that, for a network, they might actually care about their viewers (Pushing Daisies excluded).

    As for Queen Victoria comics, I don't particularly care for the point he's making. I think the comics are funny, but I do wish people would lighten up on the whole alternate reality Star Trek stuff. I used to be the world's worst in dealing with unfaithful adaptations (I was one of the LOTR fanboys who protested Tom Bombadil's exclusion online. Yeah...), but since then I've taken courses in adaptation and come to my own personal realization that if the story being told is worthwhile, fun, entertaining, and still represents why I love the franchise in the first place, then how is it a bad thing?

  9. My new favorite commercial! Hadn't seen/heard about these ... can't wait to see if there are more LOST related ones.

    Batcabbage: Oh, I'm totally down with LOSTWOOD!! If we could only get David Milch in a room with Darlton ....

    In the mid-1800's, a ship called The Black Rock is wrecked on the reef off a remote South Pacific Island ... staggering ashore after the storm abates, the survivors discover .... GOLD! The rush is on, and as they begin to fight amongst themselves, people begin to appear and disappear at random ... strangers arrive dressed in odd clothing and carrying magical lanterns that don't require oil and seem to light up or douse at will ... one scraggly arrival starts making up nicknames for everyone ...

    ... and, unbelievably, every FREAKIN' person on the Island falls in love with the same woman ... a slender 'professional gal' named Kate ... who holds a soft spot in her heart for the Machiavellian owner of the local saloon ....

    Previously, on LOST MINE #815...

  10. Saw a new one today! It had more cast from more shows. It was really cool. And Hurley was in it a lot! :)


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