Thursday, June 11, 2009

30 Rock vs. The Muppets

What? A post that's NOT about Lost?! Yes, let's talk about one of my other billion favourite shows for a change. Thanks to Jay for sending me this hilarious link. If there's anyone out there who is a big fan of 30 Rock and The Muppets (me! me!) then you probably adored the scene near the end of this season, where Jack asked Kenneth the Page what the world looked like through his eyes, and we saw... Jack and his tailor as Muppets (pictured). For me, one of the funniest 30 Rock moments ever.

Well, it turns out, this might have been a hint at a much bigger connection between 30 Rock and The Muppets. Blogger (and co-creator of the Whedon-driven Angel: After the Fall comic book series) Brian Lynch has uncovered a conspiracy: that, in fact, 30 Rock is nothing more than a rip-off of the Muppets! Okay, it's all tongue-in-cheek, but his evidence is pretty compelling -- and awesomely funny. Go check out his post here, and get ready to laugh!

Oh, and while you're there, check out his post on what a movie poster of a reimagined non-Whedon-helmed Angel might look like. A badass Jorge Garcia as Gunn had me doubled over. :) (Check me out: I STILL brought it back around to Lost.)


  1. Holy crud, that was funny! I had no idea Bryan was so hilarious (I knew he was a steaming bowl of awesome because I read Angel: After the Fall). I recommend that you read the comments after the post for some extra-special 'taking-it-too-seriously' hilarity. Thanks, Nik, for pointing this blog out, and making the start of my day funny-tastic (that could be the worst word I ever made up - actually, yes, yes it is).

  2. Dammit, I spelled 'Brian' wrong. And his blog is even open in my browser! It's right there! What a tool (me, not Brian. Got it that time!).

  3. I absolutely cannot wait for the new Muppet movie that Jason Segel is working on. I've never been a huge Muppet fan, but that man's enthusiasm for puppets rubs off, even through the screen.

  4. That is absolutely uncanny.


  5. Beej: I've never been a huge Muppet fan, but that man's enthusiasm for puppets rubs off, even through the screen.



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