Monday, June 22, 2009

Buffy vs. Edward

Oh. My. God. I can't remember the last time I laughed this hard at a clip on YouTube. This is SO bloody brilliant I don't even know where to start. Y'all remember what my new favourite T-Shirt said? Well... this is that dream come true. I have never loved Buffy's sarcasm the way I have in this clip. Make sure you're alone: if you're a Buffy fan (and not particularly a fan of Twilight), you will ADORE this and be laughing (and in my case, cheering and clapping) so loudly, you won't really want other people around. :) Enjoy!! (And thanks to Jeremy and Robbie for the link!)


  1. So. Much. Love.

  2. Ha! That was very nicely done (save for the near-total lack of color matching). So am I the only one who finds this guy unattractively strange-looking with a complete lack of charisma?

  3. But, Blam, he's an Adonis-like seraphic example of the utter perfection the rest of the human race can only aspire to.

    Oh, wait, I'm sorry. I got Stephenie Meyer's writing and the the truth mixed up again. My bad.

  4. when I told my sister that buffy killed edward she nearly decapitated me XD

    (and how bad is it that I could name most of the episodes, if not circumstances, that the quotes came from?)

  5. That was awesome... As Blam said some minor color matching would have helped make it a lot more seamless. Just a blue filter on the Buffy footage would have helped enormously.

  6. Heh, that was awesome.

    I particularly loved that a shot from Harry Potter, when he had slightly less ridiculously-poofy hair, was cut in for his "death scene."

    Though I'm sad Edward never sparkled; I'm sure Buffy would have a few choice things to say about THAT, and it's the one element of the Twilight mythos I fall back on most often when mocking my Twilight-loving friend. :)

  7. I saw this today, too, and love it. AMAZING!

  8. You're welcome ;) I thought you'd like it.

  9. I was literally just about to email this to you, haha. Loved it!


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