Saturday, June 27, 2009

Lost's Season 6 Just Got Longer!

As Mary Murphy would say on So You Think You Can Dance, "WOOWOOOOO!!!!" IGN is reporting that Lost's season 6 has just been extended to 18 hours from the initial 17. This means they can finally fit in that extra hour to explain why Geronimo Jackson was such an influence on the Dharma Initiative. Or something.

Thanks to Hunter for the link. This news is goin' on my hot tamale train!

By the way, one more week until our rewatch begins! I hope you're getting ready. :)

Also, my publisher is still collecting endorsements about moi to print in the season 5 Finding Lost book. You can find out more here. And thanks to everyone who's been sending them in so far. You are totally making my week and giving me the oomph I need to make it through these final days of writing the book (still trudging along...). You like me, you really like me!!


  1. The Question Mark27 June 2009 at 20:55

    This is the best news I've heard in weeks! Awesome!
    And dontcha worry, Nikki, you'll always have us die-hard Stafford-ites to help ya out whenever you need some positive feedback :)

  2. Wow, I heard of this rumour but I didn't dare believe it. If they follow through with their promise not to have breaks in between episodes then this will truly be an epic season.
    Can't wait for the rewatch, I plan to analyse the Locke/Walt scene to death, no other scene in the show seems to have had such an impact for theories.

  3. Yes! Ahhhh! This is possibly the best thing that has happened to me all week and I just had a baby yesterday!

    Woot! You can do it - I believe in you! Go, Mama, Go!

  4. Great news! One more hour of Lost is another hour before we have to say goodbye to our beloved show!
    Yes, I'm ready for the re-watch. I was tempted this weekend to start ahead but I thought better of it because I'd forget stuff by the time the postings started. We've had almost non-stop rain here all month long in MA so there's been little else to do but watch TV!

  5. Nice, hopefully no lame recap week!

  6. Awesome! I cannot wait for season six, and the Lost Rewatch!

  7. Maybe they'll use it to give Libby the backstory she deserves and explain why she was patient with Hugo. (whishful thinking, right?) :)

  8. That is AMAZING! I don't even care if it's just filler--it's more Lost!

  9. Maybe they will use the extra hour to explain the injections that we first saw in the hatch!

    or maybe they will do a back story on Fake Beard Tom's gay lover!

  10. Sweet-o!

    I will send a blurb this week (I should have time tomorrow during free agency signings!)

  11. Yeah! And... love the SYTYCD references. I am so addicted to that show right now. Last year we took my Mom to the live show for her Christmas present.

    More Lost! This just made a really crummy day a whole lot better.

    And I was able to send in that blurb. I don't know what was wrong with the link, but thanks for sending it to me :)

  12. More proof that Dharma exists: I was walking through the campus of Tufts Univ. here in MA where I am taking a night class. I am walking towards a side entrance of a building (a dorm I think) and what's spray painted on the outside door? The Swam Station logo!! NO LIE!!! I stopped...looked around...saw no one...smirked like I was on a candid camera (Pearl Station anyone?) and kept walking. LOL!!!
    This, on top of an email I sent Nikki a while the next town over...on the window store front of a yet to be opened store...there's the Dharma logo with the saying "Dharma is Coming". The windows are blocked from the inside with brown paper bag material. WTF????

  13. Hey Nikki! I sent you a foreword today for your book. I would be honored if you used mine in your book but if not I would just like you to know how much myself and other fans appriciate you, your blog, and your books. They are a joy to read.

  14. Damn, I'm catching up on your blog postings and I would have loved to have written a blurb. I'm not that creative but I think I could have come up with something flowery and flattering about how you touched our lives :)
    Anyways, I'm psyched about the extra hour! I kind of wanted them to stretch it out instead of giving us a 2 hour premiere though. Like coming back a week earlier! But I'll take it!

  15. asiancolossus: Good to have you back! And you've got until the 15th to write a blurb, so if you still want to, I'd love to read one from you. :)


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