Wednesday, June 24, 2009


I've had quite a number of people send me this news story, and I really didn't know how to post on it without sounding completely disrespectful. So I guess I'll just post to say how tasteless it is that someone would do this. But also to say how STUPID the news organization was who fell for it. But whatever. Someone claimed to have photographs taken from inside the Air France flight that crashed a few weeks ago, recovered from a digital camera from a Brazilian guy named Paulo (sound familiar??) and he sent it to a Bolivian news show. Did it not occur to the organization that there is NO WAY a digital camera would have been functioning perfectly after crashing into the ocean? (I dropped mine once in the grass and it was wonky ever after.) No, apparently it didn't. Instead they ran with the story, warning viewers of the sensitive nature of what was contained within them, since you were about to see the victims as they hurriedly put on their oxygen masks in the first photo, and were actually blown out of the tail section of the plane in the second one.

Sadly, they didn't seem to notice that Kate Austen and the marshal were front and center in the photo. Ugh.

Here's the full story.

In other Lost news, there may actually be a chance we'll see another scene with Mr. Eko in season 6. Despite wanting off the show for personal reasons at the end of season 3, Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje has said in an interview that he would love to return to Lost in the final season. Mr. Eko is dead, but we know on the island that there are ways around that. Maybe he could appear the way Michelle Rodriguez has done, appearing to a characters -- Not-Locke, perhaps? -- to show them the proper way. Full article here.


  1. Would love to see Mr. Eko again, he was a great character and Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje is a fantastic actor.

  2. I think it'd be awesome to reunite the cast, but I hope they don't try too hard to make it work if it's going to make things seem to ridiculous.:/

    And as for the Air France think, I cannot even fathom how heartless and stupid someone would have to be to actually send in that story to the news reporters! What could it possibly have been like for those families to see pictures of what they thought were there deceased love ones only to find out it was some sick joke?!? That's disgusting. And seriously--news media is just getting ridiculous these days. To think that photos from a world-wide tv-show wouldn't show up in their fact-checking. Honestly?

  3. Out of all the characters on the show, Mr. Eko would be the one I would vote for to come back. Not saying anything against Charlie but after recently finding out that Darlton had plotted out a 4 SEASON STORY ARC!! for the guy, I want to see a bit more of what could have been.

  4. I agree, I would LOVE Mr. Eko to come back. His death was such a disappointment to me! He was SO talented! Of course, I just saw him this past weekend in The Mummy 2 on TV. LOL

  5. My wife and I saw the urban legend at snopes some days back and thought, "Oh, so Kate and the marshal were on that plane, huh?" On the plus side, at least they didn't work another slander of Obama into it.

  6. Just a little factual correction: the camera wouldn't have to function to get pictures - all that would need to be functioning is the memory card inside the camera. That being said, that news organization was stupid to fall for that.

  7. KG: You're absolutely right. Though I'm not sure a memory card would survive the water, either. And, as you say, for the news organization to honestly believe that IF the memory card were found it would have been sent directly to them rather than being held by authorities for investigation? Idiots.

  8. The return of Mr. Eko! The Nigerian gangster-priest! I couldn't be happier!

  9. I've said this before (probably here) and I'll say it again... of all the characters to die over the years, Mr. Eko is the one that left me with the least closure. (I do remember reading somewhere that Eko was supposed to be much more important than he ended up being with his premature death due to the actor wanting to leave. My lack of closure probably has something to do with that).

    Anyway, I'll be very glad to see him return.


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