Thursday, July 02, 2009

"Every single night, the same arrangement..."

Ha! You've got that song in your head now, don't you? ;)

This one's for the Buffy fans. Toronto is hosting its annual Fringe Festival right now, featuring the best of avant garde theatre around the city all week long. And one of the troupes, "The Silver Stage," has carved out their own little unique niche in the festival: shadowcasts. You've probably seen them (or at least heard of them) before. Shadowcasts were made famous with the Rocky Horror Picture Show, where a group of actors would set up a giant movie screen at the back of the stage that played the movie while they simultaneously acted it out on the stage in front. Audiences love the interactive notion of it, and typically play right along, like they're also on that stage.

Well, Buffy fans... The Silver Stage is presenting, at the Fringe Festival, the shadowcast of BtVS's "Once More With Feeling"! That's right: for three nights over the festival, you can watch Buffy and her friends belt out their innermost thoughts ("I think this line's mostly filler") while they act it out on the stage in front, and you in the audience get to play along.

You can find more information about the Toronto Fringe Festival at their site, here, and you can go to Silver Stage's site to find out more about them here (besides Buffy, they're doing Blue Velvet -- what?! -- and, wait for it... Jurassic Park).

The "Once More With Feeling" shows will be held at the Bloor Cinema at 9:30 p.m. tonight (July 2), Sunday July 5, and Friday July 10. I've already got my tickets to the show on the 10th (because with any luck my book will be done by then!), and hope to see you there! Tickets are $10, and you can buy them in advance here (scroll down to The Silver Stage and choose either the July 2, 5, or 10 options).


  1. Yes, I totally have that song in my head now... ;-)

  2. I had never seen the musical episode until this past year's Pop Culture Association conference in New Orleans. Jennifer and I went after the last panel of the day, and it was really something else to see a room full of academics belting out songs alongside Buffy.

    I really look forward to another conference like that. Maybe next year's PCA or Slayage...or even when Jennifer and I get to Season 6 on DVD. ;)

    Lucky Canadians...

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. "I just want to beee--a-live!" and in Canada. Have a blast, Nikki!

  5. Oh! If only I were going to be in Toronto then! I can't believe I will miss this!!

    I must say, however, to all these people who appear to think that being in Canada automatically gives one easy access to this event: the country is rather large.

  6. i just watched this episode yesterday. I have all the seasons on dvd and i was in a 'buffy singy mood." :)


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