Sunday, July 12, 2009

Happy Birthday to Me!

Well, not to ME so much as this blog, Nik at Nite! Yes, folks, I started this page on July 12, 2006, a couple of months before my first Finding Lost book came out, had probably three readers, and stumbled through a few sporadic, bad posts before finally figuring out what this blogging thing was all about. And now I have this group of lovely people coming to visit, to chat, to ask questions, and discuss everything Lost and Whedony, and I'm so grateful for all of you. Thank you for continuing to come. And since I know I'll never get this cake in real life, I shall give it to myself virtually. Dibs on the stake!!


  1. Happy Birthday Nik at Nite! Now, run along and play nice with your friends, don't eat too much cake and don't stand behind the pony unless you want extra presents. ; ]

  2. Yay! Congratulations - this is the best blog ever! I seriously can't thank you enough for all the work you put into this thing. I have no one in real life who is as obsessed with Lost as I am and so it feels so comforting to be around other weirdos! Hah!


    Joan Crawford

  3. That's awesome, Nikki. I had no idea it was around that long, given that I'm such a newbie here myself.

    Congrats on being able to keep yourself full of ideas and writing consistently. Here's hoping for 3 more years and then some!

  4. I stumbled on your blog last month and now I check it daily. I love your perspective on LOST. Having Nik at Night has helped my LOST withdrawal! Thanks!


  5. Happy Birthday, Nik at Nite! I'd share a piece of my amazing LOST island cake with you, if there was any left...

    Loving the re-watch blog, too, Nikki! Thanks for helping us to feed our LOST addiction further!

  6. Happy Birthday, Nik at Nite! Wow, has it really been 3 years already?

  7. Happy Anniversary, Nikki!

  8. Hurray! Long live Nik @ Nite! Happy birthday, Nik's Blog!

    @humanebean: ...and don't stand behind the pony unless you want extra presents. ; ]

    LOL! Ow! My pancreas! She hurts from the laughing!

  9. Happy Birthaday NIK!I hope you enjoy a big slice of ice cream cake to celebrate this special day for you,your blog,and all us fans.Here's to many,take care.

  10. Happy birthday, Nik At Nite!

    May you be just as mental, ill-mannered and riotously funny as every other three-year-old I've known.

  11. Congratulations! And I'm so grateful that you did create this blog!

  12. Happy Birthday to one of my favorite blogs!

    Here's to many more!

  13. Happy blog birthday Nik! Sorry I didnt get you anything to celebrate but Henry Ian Cusick escaped before I could get the crate nailed shut!

  14. The Shout: LOLZ!!! Best birthday present offer EVER. :) It would only be topped by Damon and Carlton giving me the full rundown of S6 in secrecy... with footage. Sigh. OK, and a writer's job.

    MAN I'm greedy.

  15. Happy belated Birthday, Nikki! I am so happy for this blog (even though I drive my family nuts by continually saying things that start with the phrase, "On Nikki's blog...."

  16. Sorry this is late (con weekend) but a very happy anniversary to Nik at Nite!

  17. Very belated blog birthday wishes, Nikki. I always knew you would be a natural at this.


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