Sunday, July 26, 2009

Lost at Comic-Con!

Thank you to everyone who has been inundating my email inbox with videos and transcripts and news from the San Diego Comic-Con on the Lost panel. I've been off my email for most of the weekend, on pins and needles wondering what happened.

Well, wonder no more. Thanks to Hunter, who pointed me to the following complete videos of the presentation. Unfortunately, the person cut out all of the videos that Damon and Carlton cut to, so I'll try to run those first so you'll understand what they're referring to (thanks to fb for those ones!).

First, off the top, at some point Darlton will mention "a word from their sponsors." This is the video they're referring to (and is it just me, or is Hurley actually doing a better Australian accent than the voiceover guy?!):

Later, they'll talk about Kate and Damon will say, "Huh... I always thought she killed her stepfather." Um... so did I. Until I saw this:

Is this a suggestion that... they'll go back and change history somehow?? Eek.

And then finally, here is the memorial for the characters they played near the end. Warning: that final minute might make you cry. :(

And now, without further ado, here is the full Comic-Con panel, with 5 surprise guests!! Enjoy!

UPDATE: For Vicki, here's a clip of Josh Holloway's entrance, which is AWESOME. :)


  1. Wow. I saw the panel yesterday but hadn't seen the other clips until now. The Oceanic one was the biggest shocker to me. Perfect safety record? Wow.

  2. something i forgot to mention when i e-mailed them to you, which Michael pointed out above me: what was with oceanic saying they had a "perfect" safety record? what was with hurley's little speech about winning the lottery? i definitely got the sense that they have, indeed, altered time and season six might be a complete reset. maybe that's why they wanted to show the in memorandum clip (like at the oscars!), to refresh our memories about who we've lost ... and whom we might see again?

    PS: i'm STILL sobbing at the last minute of that clip. oh, chah-lie ...

  3. Can't shake my recent obsession with accents, and that voice over guy has got to be the worse Aussie accent yet!

    I get the feeling that Charlie is going to play a significant role in season 6 - in fact it seems that all the main characters are appearing in some way or other. But will they be alive in the 'present'? And, indeed, what the hell will be the 'present'. I have begun to realise that they were very clever to end season 5 as they did, because literally anything could happen!

    How much can we trust these 'sneak peaks'?

  4. It's my understanding ABC requested that all of the extra videos be cut out. Not that they aren't showing up everywhere. The only one that I haven't seen is the Sawyer montage. Sure could stand a peek at that one!

  5. The Question Mark26 July 2009 at 23:30

    My new favourite catch phrase is now "Exterior-Circus Tent"

  6. Good times. Thanks for posting that. We REALLY wanted to go to Comic Con this year, but it didn't work out. So it was fun to see.

  7. I heart Michael Emerson :)

    That was fantastic. Oh, I sooooo want to go to a Lost conference. That would be amazing.

  8. hey nikki,
    Juliet was not in the Memoriam clip.

    could this mean that she's alive?
    or simply, that they didn't want to confirm whether she's dead or not?

  9. Vicki: Check the post again: I just added the Josh Holloway entrance clip for you. It's pretty hilarious. :)

    Michael/fb: I'm REALLY hoping they're just effing with us. I don't want a do-over. But at the same time, I have complete faith in Team Darlton. Here's hoping it's awesome. (And by the way, I'm thinking the reason Jorge asks the question he does about it being a "cheat" was to address that very worry, so that put my worries at bay.)

    annie a: We didn't see Juliet die, so no, she hasn't technically died yet. She could die in the first minute of season 6, but she definitely didn't die in season 5. Some people said, "Yeah, we saw her die when she detonated the bomb." No, we didn't see anything when the bomb went off, and if it killed her, then they need to post an In Memoriam for everyone else on the island. ;) I was really annoyed when press outlets like E! were writing after the show that Juliet had died in the episode, when she was as dead as Sayid was... in other words, still alive, but barely.

  10. Michael Emerson reading the fake Heroes script was priceless. I loved his reaction ("WTF is this?!"). And then DOMINIC MONAGHAN!!!!!!!

    I love YouTube for stuff like that. I had been hopeful that someone would *cough cough illegally film cough* the Lost panel. I sometimes wish I lived in California. Then I could camp out at the Con.

    My favourite part is listed above (when Michael takes the "script" and reads it). THAT is why he is an Emmy-nominated actor. I also liked Nestor's first appearance with the guy-liner. Josh Holloway was awesome. Tasering Damon and calling him JJ Abrams was excellent.

    Jorge and Michael's fight was awesome. . . DUDE. And then Dom coming in. There's no doubt about it, Charlie will play a big role in season six.

    I think when season 6 is over, I'll cry in a dark corner and flood the house with my tears. And then I'll watch them online and cry again.

  11. So awesome! I spent a happy 40 minutes or so just watching and smiling. And when Dom came out at the end I cheered and clapped and almost got a bit teary-eyed... (okay, honestly, I DID get a bit teary-eyed) I can't wait for Season 6!!! Yay, Charlie!

  12. Just watched Josh Holloway's entrance. Hurrah!!! Loved it. Beyond awesome. Am in love...

  13. Some of my fave moments:
    -Darlton telling Jorge to have faith in them, and him saying, "The last time you said that was when you told us Nikki and Paulo would be AWESOME."
    -Nestor looking in a mirror saying, "Richard Alpert isn't immortal, YOU are..." and then complaining that someone gave him the cobalt eyeliner instead of onyx.
    -Holloway sticking Lindelof's hand in the water jug.
    -Emerson to Holloway: "Oh My God. You can't READ!"
    -The Heroes script.
    -Chah-lie. :::sniff:::

  14. Thanks Nikki - you've made my day (or several days) with the Josh video!

  15. Woah! So...the bomb went off and things are sorta the same, to a point...Hurley is still rich but lucky, Oceanic never crashed and Kate still killed but not the right guy. I wonder how she got away from the marshal this time!?
    I can't wait!!!

    Joan C.

  16. Righteous.

    Did you notice Michael, little Walt, and Dave (replete with bathrobe) at the counter in the Mr. Clucks commercial?

  17. Hey, check this out too:

  18. Well spotted, Joshua. It wasn't actually Walt, Michael and Dave but it was certainly meant to look like them.

    By the way, what the hell are 'authentic Australian spices'?

    (@Erin - I am in love with the whole lot of them now)

  19. Yes -- I suppose I should have specified they were only lookalikes... Thought the "Little Walt" in particular was a pretty close match, too.

  20. Thanks for the vids Nikki! I can't see You Tube at work dammit, but I'll be going over them when I get home!

  21. I want season 6 now!

    It does seem like time is going to be altered in some way. Are the Hurley and Kate clips supposed be from a new timeline where the plane didn't crash?! Darlton said it wouldn't be a reset, so I'm thinking some kind of 'It's a Wonderful Life' thing where everyone gets a taste of a new future.

  22. WOW!!! Absolutely amazing!!!!!!

  23. A great memorial for the Lost characters. It's clear that--despite a few mishaps in terms of planning and execution--Darlton created these peeps with the best intentions in mind.

  24. did libby always have a last name? or was it released from the writers outside the canon of the show? these videos were made of complete awesome. cant wait!

  25. Con: No, we never heard Libby's last name. The other surprise for me was Karl Marx for Karl the Other! I mean, I knew they were spelling his name with a K in homage to him, but to actually give him the full name? I feel like I should have done a chapter in my season 3 book on Karl Marx. I considered it at the time but then realized Karl didn't really exhibit any Marxist values that I could see... maybe I wasn't looking hard enough. ;)

  26. My screen didn't show Karl's full last name so thanks for posting it.

    My favorite part was the question about Esau, Michael Emerson's non-answer, and Damon and Carlton praising him for his ability to non-answer the question. Hilarious!

  27. And Lets remember the most anyoning lost charaters Nikki And Palo

  28. It's nice to see how they are emphasising 'opposites'; nothing but good, Oceanic's perfect record...

    Do you think the 1979 date has any significance? I can't recall the year when Jack dropped the bomb?

    You notice Hurley's ad has the numbers yet again? $4.42.

    The promo poster looks crazy - a hell of a lot of characters on there :)

  29. Wow! That last clip of Charlie in the memorandum really got me.

  30. What you cant't see in the videos is the official season six teaser poster with LOTS of old characters on it. Unfortunately no one at Comic-Con seems to have made a real close photo, so the exact character line-up is still up to debate. And no one knows if being on the poster means being on season six anyway. But see for yourself:

  31. Hi again!

    After having thought through the whole Comic-Con stuff, I've got a new prediction about season six's narrative structure: Alternate-Reality Flashes!

    The island storyline will somehow continue, but in the flashes we'll see, what would have happened, if the plane haddened crashed (e.g. Kate still trying to kill her father, as it seems to not have actually been him according to "America's Most Wanted"). I don't know, how it will all make sense in a narrative way, and how they'll manage not to disturb many viewers - but I trust Darlton on that. What do you think?

  32. I was looking at a short clip/interview of comic-con on hulu (which now has season 1!) and it said that Dom had something written on his hand when he held it up...has anyone posted/heard what is was?

  33. Wow. I've been away from the interwebs for about a month now since my pc effed itself in the 'a', and I'm catching up with stuff. Hurley's Aussie accent was better than the voice over guy, but it still cracked me up (voice over guy was dreadful). I'm kinda blown away by these vids. Makes me wish that season six was on right frakking now all the more.

    @ Ali: An authentic Australian spice? I'm not sure we have any. We use salt a lot. Maybe if we waved it over a kangaroo? Roo salt? Doesn't really sound appetising, though. I'll have to invent one!

  34. Yes, the final minute made me cry. I remember hearing that Charlie was going to die and thinking, ok, no big deal and then HE DIED! In such a noble way that I couldn't help but cry the first time and tear up everytime I see it. I'm not looking forward to that in the rewatch.

    The America's Most Wanted clip REALLY confused me. Notice how many people died of gunshot wounds in the gut? And Nikki, thanks for that clarification with Juliet (that was another tearjerker...LOVE her and James much better than Kate & Sawyer.)

    And I feel like the end of Lost will resemble the end of Buffy for me: lots of crying, wishing for more, and trying to get any little fix that I can (through books...thanks Nikki...blogs...thanks again Nikki...and DVDs.)


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