Friday, August 14, 2009

Getting Ready for Season 6: Life & Death

Prepare yourself before watching this one. It's glorious and devastating. Wow... I can't believe how much death has been on this show. I welled up a couple of times, but I won't say where. I'll let you watch it for yourself. Enjoy! (This is care of theblackbox once again!)


  1. They did it again.I cried as I thought I would.I am going to Oahu first week of Septmeber and am hoping to see some location shooting.Hang in their Nik ,only a little more than 5 months to go.Take care.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I got all choked up at the brief flash of Mr.Eko and Charlie standing by the burning plane :( That scene never made me all that sad before but just now I was like "They're all dead!"
    Lost is all about the love, ain't it?

  4. The Question Mark15 August 2009 at 00:35

    Very haunting.

  5. Amazing yet again! The Eko scenes alwas kill me, especially when they're kids. Oh Lord, all that stuff will coming up in the rewatch...I'll be a wreck! LOL
    The kids one that Blackbox did still makes me sob the most though!

  6. Awwww, baby Charlie learning to swim! ::sniff::

  7. longer time reader, first time poster.
    through out the whole video, I had goose bumps.

    WOW - thanks Nikki

  8. can we get links to episodes 1 and 2 of these? or did i not search back far enough?

  9. Hi Nikki and everyone,
    This is my first post anywhere, hope I can make it work!

    I'm a long time reader, and have really enjoyed all the thought-provoking discussions here over the last couple of years. I especially appreciate the courtesy and respect that all of you show each other. You don't find that in a lot of other blogs!

    I'll keep this short since I'm just figuring out how to make it work. Just call me ...

    Late to the Party

  10. is now streaming seasons 1-4 and the last 6 (?) of season 5.


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