Wednesday, August 05, 2009

I'm Sold

Ladies and gentlemen, voila: advertising that works! I will take what is in the picture!! (They can keep that bottle of cologne and the rock, though...)


  1. I couldn't agree more XDDD

  2. Holy Mother of God, that man is perfect.


    I bet even straight men fancy him.

  3. oops...forgive me. I just drooled all over my keyboard! yummy!!

  4. Oh heavens above! I always find so hard to breathe when I see pictures like this.

    I have to say guys: it's so nice to have you all around. None of my friends in "real life" like Sawyer at all. In fact their words--and this is a direct quote--were "his face looks all deformed or something". I know--they're all out of their NOGGINS. Beyond that even. But seriously, if I didn't have you guys, I'd feel like such an idiot drooling over pictures of Joshy and smiling all stupidly every time Sawyer comes on screen. *huggles*

  5. Christmas in August. Sounds good to me. Thanks Nikki

  6. Dear Lord....I feel like I need a cigarette after looking at that photo! He is perfection!

  7. @Katey
    I think I've read before somewhere on this blog, or over at the re-watch, that all of your friends think Sawyer is ugly. What the heck?
    I just don't get it! He's clearly not! My theory: all of your friends secretly believe and acknowledge that Sawyer/Josh is HOT! But they won't admit it so that they can give you a hard time about it!
    That has to be it! While I can see that not everyone will agree that he's HOT, I hardly see how he could be called "ugly."
    Hope that helps—next time they're teasin' you about it—just think that they secretly think he's sexy too

  8. I think . . . wait . . . what did I just say? What was I talking about??

  9. @Jenn: I know--that has to be it! I've tried to get them to admit that he's at least a little bit good-looking but so far I've only had once concession out of three and I think that was only by brute force. That'll help though, I'll just keep thinking about you guys who all agree and sit there smuggling knowing that WE are the sane ones.

  10. I still think Nikki would buy swampland if Desmond posed with his shirt easily bought off by cheap gratuitous skin LOL

  11. Holy Mother of God!!!! WOW!!!

  12. And Katey, your friends are crazy. I'm not one to "fall" for tv guys, but Sawyer is the closest I've ever come :P

  13. Ha, I definately agree with you- he's soooo yummie!

    On an unrelated note- I send you an email concerning a few questions I still have for my paper. I thought I'd give you the heads up in case your spam filter still doesn't like me ;)

  14. gorgeous bod-- but still like him better with scraggly hair and scruffy face!

  15. I guess Naveen was busy. ;)

  16. Oooooooooooooh my... how I love Josh Holloway....

    He's so scrummy, my TV boyfriend...


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