Friday, September 04, 2009

Getting Ready for Season 6: The Others

This one gave me goosebumps. These videos are CRAZY good!!! This one is by campetin.


  1. The Question Mark4 September 2009 at 10:22

    That was freaking stellar!

  2. I've been watching these religiously! All their videos are amazing--both theblackbox and campetin's stuff. Campetin also has some amazing videos back from "In Pre" for Season Five--definitely worth while though!

  3. Good stuff, and nice use of music. From Danny Boyle's SUNSHINE, I believe.

  4. Yes, goosebumps. Especially when they included Widmore and Hawking.

  5. OT, where is there an active discussion thread, in general? I've been away from the site for a month or two and don't know where to go. I just had a "Eureka!" kinda' moment and I don't know who to talk to about it, lol.

    I just realized that it's possible Ethan was never supposed to exist (maybe like "evil" Ben) because his mom was supposed to die until Lafleur showed up, so she would never have coupled with Horace in the unaltered timeline. :)


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