Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Getting Ready for Season 6: Spirits

So, today I held a copy of my new Finding Lost: Season 5 book in my hands, and it was very exciting! And then theblackbox sent me his latest prep video. Awesome day for me as a Lost fan?? Yes, indeed! Enjoy.


  1. Wow, I think that was theblackbox's best yet! That was truly awesome. You're right: good day for a Lost fan! Congrats on getting your book Nikki! That must feel SO cool!!

  2. Congratulations - a baby's birthday and a new book was born, too! Look at all the good stuff you produce!

  3. today I held a copy of my new Finding Lost: Season 5 book in my hands
    Never gets old, does it? Congratulations!

  4. That video was gorgeous. And I can't pass it along to my boyfriend because he hasn't seen the end of season 4 yet!

    Can't wait for the new book, Nikki!

  5. Publication GOLD! You probably need a safe place to store that first copy so that nothing, um, happens to it between now and release date. I hereby humbly and heroically offer my services as a book-sitter, bodyguard and all-around bulwark against booknapping, binder breaks or any other bad thing that begins with a "B".

  6. Yeah! for your book! I'm so excited for you (and for us).

    That video was fantastic. I don't care what anybody says, there is no other show that really gets under your skin and becomes a part of your life the way that LOST does. Oh so good. January seems a long ways off right now.

  7. Awesome video, and congrats on the book. Can't wait until I get my hands on it!

  8. Can't wait until the day that I hold a copy of your new Finding Lost:Season 5 book in my hands!

    i love these videos....they literally send shivers down my spine. I can't wait for January and, at the same time, I don't want it to come because that means we're in the last season.

  9. I really enjoy these...despite the fact they rip my heart out. LOL
    Oh, I am so NOT looking forward to these upcoming scenes with Eko on the rewatch!


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