Tuesday, September 29, 2009

If Lost Were Like Seinfeld

From the same guy who brought you yesterday's hilarious video, I bring you one that's truly inspired... by using one simple Seinfeld laugh track, he's taken an otherwise tense scene on Lost and made it high-larious. Brilliant. (Thanks to Sagacious Penguin for sending his stuff my way!!)


  1. That is kind of sick, even scarier than the original

  2. I think laugh tracks can work if they're not overdone. I've been watching Love Boat lately, and it works well there.

    As for Lost, I'm watching season 2 right now of course, and so to skip ahead to this scene is especially jarring. Back when we first met Ben and discovered he was a liar, who could have ever imagined in the future there'd be a car-ride where he was driving a bickering Jack and Sun?! If you would have showed this scene to people back in 2005, they would have thought, "WTF?"

  3. What made me laugh the most was when the audience roars with laughter at Ben's insistence that he's been helping them all this time, as if they don't believe him at all. :)

  4. Yes, Nikki, that was definitely the best part. Because I was doing the same thing. I think my sister and I laughed quite a bit at the original scene, so this is quite fitting. HA!

  5. That was brilliant! I cannot believe what a different perspective the laugh track gave to that scene. All I can say is 'wow!'. :)


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