Friday, September 18, 2009

My View Last Night


  1. I hate you. I'm very happy for you, but I hate you. ;)

  2. Hey Nikki, great shot! What kind of camera are you shooting with for the shows? Any tips? I can't wait for Dallas and Houston! U2's stage is so big that they have to raise the huge new HDTV above the field in Dallas for an enormous cost.

  3. Ooooh, WOW!!!! How fantastic were those seats? So super fantastic! (unless you've got a really good zoom lens?)

  4. redeem: Oh, I know you'll love me again some day... ;)

    Brent: Honestly, I had a handheld tiny Canon digital camera. My bigger, nicer, professional camera had to stay at home because they won't allow those in. I saw people getting great zoom shots on their blackberrys, so it can be done. :) Please tell me how the Dallas and Houston shows are!!

    Erin: I was in the Red Zone again, the circle around the stage, so you can walk around in there. I'm actually going to post an update to the picture describing what happened as I was taking this picture, because it's quite a story! :) And that was not taken with a zoom... that's really Bono stretching out his arm... to me!!


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