Monday, October 26, 2009

The Answer to Adam and Eve?

Will science figure out the identities of the Adam and Eve bodies on Lost before the show reveals it to us? Read this.


  1. Haha, that would be interesting!

  2. The Question Mark27 October 2009 at 00:14

    These real-life unsolved mysteries are so intriguing!

    There is an excellent book that you guys might like, called "Ancient Mysteries" by Peter James & Nick Thorpe. It's a big, thick hardcover, but I managed to find it for only 7 bucks at my college bookstore (score!).
    The book delves into topics like the Mayan/Aztec/Egyptian civilizations & their possible links to extraterrestrial life; the origins of Stonehenge; the Bermuda Triangle (great for fans of both Lost AND Amelia Earhart); even a detailed chapter on Atlantis blueprints on what the city may have actually looked like, according to Plato.

    The best part is, the authors of the book present everything in a completely nonbiased fashion: they aren't implacable skeptics, but at the same time, they don't over-glorify and romanticize everything either. They have found a way to deliver all of this information from a completely neutral standpoint, presenting us with the facts before giving us theories from both angles and allowing us to come to our conclusions.

    If anybody's up for a little reading to tie them over between Finding Lost Season 5 and Finding Lost Season 6, I think this book's worth a peek.

  3. "A woman's shoe, an empty bottle and a sextant box whose serial numbers are consistent with a type known to have been carried by Noonan were all found near the site where the bones were discovered."

    I was seriously expecting the article to then say something along the lines of "The serial numbers on the sextant box were 4815162342".

    How EERIE would that have been??

  4. Cool! I had no idea this was going on.

    Coconut crabs... shudder! They always make me think me of the lobstrosities from Stephen King's 'Dark Tower' series. Yikes.

  5. Sweet-o! The island is the answer to every mystery on earth!

    Received my book today, thanks Nik. I really appreciate the shout out. Can't wait to go over it.

  6. Nikki, you may not believe this, but I've missed out on a lot of the theorizing that has gone on in the Lost fan community in the past five years. When I first saw your post earlier today, I was confused, and didn't really know what you were getting at. Then this evening I was reading in "Finding Lost, Season 3" in preparation for this week's rewatch discussions, and in your chapter on "One of Us" you mentioned the Amelia Earhart connection, how fans have speculated that maybe she landed on Lost island, or that she started Dharma, or that one of the bodies the Lostaways discovered in the caves in S1 was supposed to be Earhart. I had no idea! Well, the fog has cleared, thanks to your book.

  7. It's worth remembering (from season 3) that air travel for Mittelos Bioscience is provided by Herarat - anagram for Earhart - Aviation. Hmmm...


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