Monday, October 26, 2009

ARGH... I Just Know Ben's Behind This...

Bad news, everyone. Turns out Season 6 will NOT be running non-stop. Apparently after much discussion, Team Darlton has decided that the Winter Olympics will eat into the schedule too much, and even though the games don't air on ABC, it'll be a fierce competitor, and they don't want competition like that. So the show will begin in mid-January, apparently, and then take the weeks of the Olympics off, and then it'll resume in March. FRAK. I guess it's not like the break of season 3, but it's annoying nonetheless. I have no idea if this will push it into June (I hope not, since I have another commitment at the beginning of June and I'd hate to be torn between the finale of Lost and it) but I'll keep you posted. Thanks so much to Hunter for pointing me to the news. You can read more here.


  1. Hmm...I wonder what that commitment could be? ;)

  2. I'll have to double check, but off the top of my head this would put the finale on May 27!

    But don't be me over that head if it turns out to be in early June...

  3. Thanks for letting us know Nikki.
    I was starting to wonder about what would happen with Lost and the Olympics.

    It'd be neat if they incorporated them into the break. Suddenly having the Lost crowd arriving at the Olympics and wander around looking confused like they're in the wrong time.

  4. Geez, at least Dollhouse and Fringe are not alone in being pushed back. I wonder if other shows will respond similarly.

  5. Since I'm a major fan of the Olympics, it is about the only thing I could tolerate Lost being delayed for ;)

    I'm hoping that two weeks off for Olympics means fewer recap episodes(fingers crossed).

  6. I am guessing the decision is based primarily on the concern that the Olympic broadcasts would cut into the ratings. And maybe I just don't understand the way broadcast television works, but since we're talking about The Final Season here, I can't for the life of me figure out what the hell difference a ratings dip would make at this point. I mean, what are they gonna do -- cancel it? Or is it just about money?

    Wait -- sorry. Of course it is.

    What a bummer. But, hey, at least this way we get to hold the catastrophic separation anxiety off until a little later.

  7. No! I never had to deal with the S3 break since I came in just before S4 aired, but the weeks-long hiatuses in the past two seasons were enough to drive me batty.

    S6 is going to be depressing/bittersweet enough as it is without this. But thanks for getting the word out.

  8. The only good thing about that is that it will mean the series finale will come later, and we won't have to say good-bye so soon. Sigh...

    (and I live in Victoria, so you'd think I'd be super excited to see the Olympics, since they'll practically be on my doorstep)

  9. Well, if Season 6 starts on January 27th, as is rumoured; two weeks off for the Winter Olympics would give an end date of May 26th.

    This, of course, assumes no other weeks with no Lost.

    However, I can't see it going in to June as that would mean the last episode would miss the May sweeps...

  10. Ugh, like I needed another reason to not like the pointless, boring Olympics.

    Hopefully that'll account for all the breaks in the season, and they won't sneak in an extra week or two like last season.

    At least this'll push the finale into May, which seems like the appropriate time for a finale. AND, my birthday is the 26th, so if it airs then and I take the 27th off work to fully digest the finale, I can credit the day off to my birthday for all the non-Lost people in my life. :)

  11. meh. as if anybody who've been watching Lost for 5 years (come on, there are no casual viewers of this show anymore!) will miss an episode of THE LAST SEASON OF LOST to watch the Olympics, when the highlights of every event will be broadcast over and over again...

  12. "*(expletive deleted)*"

    Now, I have to admit that I'm a Winter Olympics fan ... like the sports, love the storylines (forced as they often are) ... and I visited Vancouver for the first time last year and Zip-Trekked up on the Whistler/Blackcomb area where the luge and bobsled runs will be, so I'm looking forward to the 2010 games a bit more than usual.

    But still ... a break after, what, two weeks? Three? Ugh.

    "*(even worse expletive deleted)*"

  13. The Question Mark28 October 2009 at 11:07

    I hope you're happy, Jacob.

  14. Stupid Olympics. They always make me glad I have lots of DVDs.

    I hate sports.

  15. Wow lots of unhappy people here. I guess it doesn't bother me as much because we went through the same kind of thing last season with the clip shows, and I expended all my anger during that time ;)

    Plus I am not looking forward to Lost being over so this just extends the season a wee bit longer.

  16. Well, it could be worse...look at V. Four episodes and then on hiatus until March.

    Frankly, after the debut, this really bugs me.


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