Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Getting Ready for Season 6: Love

Thanks once again to theblackbox!!


  1. Just noticed from this clip that Hurly and Libby have very similar eyes...could they be related ?

  2. Beautiful. This person has talent!

  3. I agree; I love these. I get excited every time he sends me a new one. I liked that it was only romantic love, but I'm hoping we get one of parents and children -- showing the bad things that have happened between them (SO many to choose from) but then the sweet moments, like Claire and Aaron or Kate and Aaron... that's what I want to see. I think maternal/paternal love would have me bawling. In a good way, of course.

  4. What song is that? Does anyone know? Thanks for sharing these Nikki. Your latest book on my Christmas list.

  5. Steven: The song is "Beasts" by Slow Moving Millie, according to theblackbox. And I hope Santa gets you the book! :)

  6. Aw, that was great! I loved the music. Although Charlie and Clarie made me really sad... They used to be my favourite.

  7. Every time theblackbox has a new video, I feel like Rod Tidwell being interviewed on ESPN at the end of Jerry McGuire. "I'm not gonna cry blackbox."

    Dang, you did it again. Great video!

  8. Okay I LOVE these...but did he HAVE to use the scene when Nadia gets run over by the bus for their love scene?? I mean really! LOL! What about him looking at her picture or when she shows up at the Oceanic 6 press conference? C'mon! And I KNEW he'd use the scene with Juliet falling down the shaft! LOL
    Nikki, I agree...a parent child one would be great. That child still makes me bawl up if I watch it! The tragedy of it just kills me!

  9. These are so fantastic. Made me cry. I loved the little moment between Rousseau and, ummmm... what's his name.

    And I agree with the Sayid one. C'mon, there were other scenes to choose from.

    But beautiful. Loved it.

  10. I like Lost and becouse it I like your blog!!!!
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