Friday, October 30, 2009

Lost Rewatch Update

And on this eve of... All Hallow's Eve... let me take another minute to remind you to come on over for a particularly rip-roaring week of Lost Rewatching!!

3.13 The Man from Tallahassee
Locke is introduced to the concept of The Box:
Ben: What would you do if I told you there was a Box on this island that contained something you longed for more than anything?
Locke: Does it have the KFC Family combo in it? With the little brownies? Damn, what I would give for those 11 herbs and spices...
Ben: Wha...? Uh... no, John, it doesn't, it...
Locke: A new shiny bicycle? I've never had a new bicycle.
Ben: No. John... you're missing the point. By "Box" I'm being...
Locke: Oh my GOD it's the Complete DVD set of Sex and the City, isn't it? I never DID find out if Carrie ended up with Big...
Ben: JOHN! Listen to me! I'm being all metaphorical and creepy here, and when I say Box I'm referring to...
Locke: WAIT! I've got it. It's an actual box, isn't it? Did you know how many uses the common everyday box has? You can draw on it... you can make little houses out of it...
Ben: JACOB?! Are you getting all this? THIS is who you've Chosen?! Are you INSANE?!
Locke:... you can pack books in it -- not too many, or it'll be impossible to carry -- you could put your new Sex and the City DVD box set in it...
Ben: I give up. Richard? Shoot him.

3.14 Exposé
HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! Funniest Lost episode EVER. Watch and find out why I'm suddenly more in love with a Medusa spider than with Desmond and Sawyer combined. And read all the way through the post to watch the video at the end. It's classic.

3.15 Left Behind
Kate wastes her time trying to get her cold, fishlike mother to love her, and she meets Cassidy along the way. Together they meet Brad Pitt and eventually drive their convertible off a cliff, holding hands while... wait. I think my TV switched channels partway through... OK, back to the episode, Kate and Juliet are handcuffed together and they find a convertible on the island with Brad Pitt in the back, drive it off a... dammit!

3.16 One of Us
Jack and Co. return to the beach camp, bringing an unwelcome Juliet with them. When she rushes off into the woods to get some medical supplies to save Claire's life, Sawyer and Sayid slink after her, confronting her about her past, and she throws it back in their face, glaring at them. Sawyer is completely turned on, picks a flower and gives it to her, changes his name to LaFleur, and all is forgiven. Or maybe I'm getting ahead of myself...

Next week: Pilots fall from the sky, Sun has an Island Ultrasound, Cooper and Sawyer re-enact the Jabba the Hutt death scene (sadly, without Sawyer suiting up), and we find out Ben likes to play with little wooden dolls.


  1. hee hee! These totally make my day every time. Sawyer is completely turned on, picks a flower and gives it to her, changes his name to LaFleur, and all is forgiven. HA!!

    Ben: I give up. Richard? Shoot him. Double HA!!!!!

  2. Oh my. Nikki, I love these. They make my life worth living.


    The box part was amazing. Amazing.


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