Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Risk: The Lost Edition

Despite there being Risk games that have been tailored to so many different fandoms, so far there isn't a Lost one, despite the connection in "The Shape of Things to Come," where Hurley, Sawyer, and Locke were playing it before Smokey came and blew the village to bits. So... someone decided to make one, complete with regions for "Tumba de Eko" and "Campo de golf."

So awesome. Check out some close-ups here. (The page is in Spanish, as is the game, but you'll get the gist of it.) Thanks to Corey for the link!


  1. I must have it! In English, of course...

  2. That is the coolest thing ever! I totally want it! Something new for my Christmas list :D

  3. I think I could actually stand to play Risk on this board.

  4. This is awesome, unlike the other Lost board game that was released which I still don't get. I think I only ever played it once.

    It may seem like overkill but I would still buy Lost monopoly, Lost cluedo and yes Lost mouse trap in which you are the others trying to capture the survivors.

  5. I love this game. It was an important part of my childhood. I played every time I was able to. Also scrabble was another of my favorite games.


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