Monday, October 19, 2009

There Is a God...

And he LOVES me. This my bible tells me so. No, not THAT Bible. Entertainment Weekly. Just announced on Ausiello: Joss Whedon is going to direct an episode of Glee! AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH


  1. YES YES YES!!! What a great combination. Have you seen Spring Awakening Nikki? If you haven't, you should. It will make you appreciate Lea Michele on a whole new level.

    Great news!

  2. AAAAHHHHH! I am totally Gleeked!

  3. Well, that would be cool. Any vampires stepping up. They did that musical number in Buffy.

  4. I'm so excited too!

    Wanna start a Twitter petition to bring Neil Patrick Harris to Glee at the same time? That would be AWESOME.

  5. Why is it that I think the world just wants me to watch Glee even though I am avoiding it like the plague?

  6. Beej, watch a few episodes. At least then if you don't like it you've got a very good reason not to, because you don't like it!

  7. Listen to the world, Beej. Watch it. :) It's very tongue-in-cheek and while there are a few eye-rolling moments, they're few and far between. The humour is biting and sharp, and the dialogue is great, especially whenever Sue Sylvester is in a scene. ;)

  8. This is going to be pretty fantastic. It's the best news to make a horrible day wonderful!

  9. Beej, I, too, resisted the lure of Glee at the beginning even though a couple of friends were devoted fans. I started watching the episodes on Rogers on Demand, and I had to admit, I kind of liked it. Then Kristin Chenowith guest-starred on an episode, and I was hooked. Now, if Joss Whedon is going to direct an episode, I have to keep watching

  10. Nikki, you should review Glee regularly as well :)

  11. The Question Mark27 October 2009 at 13:01

    Just watched the first episode.


    They played my favourite song ever, twice!
    The comedy was hilarious and the serious moments were very touching!
    And the actress who plays Rachel Berry is one seriously GORGEOUS girl!
    I love Glee!


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