Monday, November 02, 2009

Hannigan & Denisof: Today's Cute Overload

I just saw these pictures this morning and they made me howl with laughter... laugh out loud... chuckle heartily... smirk sardonically. (Whew... that works. I wouldn't want to come off as a complete loser for laughing at something I thought was funny!)

This is Alyson Hannigan and Alexis Denisof taking their new baby daughter, Satyana, out for her first Halloween:

And just in case you're thinking Wesley didn't quite embrace the outfit the way Willow did, check out the shot from the back:


  1. Haha, at first I thought they were the Wild Things.

    My friend dressed up as one, and it was also a great costume.

  2. That's hilarious. I didn't really start laughing until I saw the shot from behind with Alexis's tail. Priceless.

  3. i like alison hannigan and all, but how is this hilarious, or how could this make anyone "howl" with laughter? i mean, it's kind of cute, but actual laughter?

  4. I guess I'm an easy laugher? Or I imagined going and doing this with one of my little ones and it made me laugh out loud?


    Do you always try to bring other people down when they're just having fun? Thanks for the anonymous post. Really brightened the day.

  5. Haha! I love the dad - you think he is only going along with the hat because he has to until you see the back! That is super cute! And what a good idea - I think it just goes over your baby sling. When our babies were in slings, we'd just draw a little pirate beard and mustache on them. And not just for Halloween. I mean everyday. It's great because babies always have that surprised look on their faces when people come to the door.

    Your posts always brighten my day, pretty lady :)

  6. Joan: HAHAHAHA!!! I LOVE the idea of you putting pirate beards on your kids every day. I think you and I are birds of a feather. ;)

    The one costume I've always regretted not doing was having my husband be Dr. Evil with one of the babies as Mini Me. It would have been freakin' priceless (and since both our kids were baldies... perfect!!!) ;)

  7. "Does anyone remember laughter?"

    Some time ago, I realized that the sheer number of things that made me laugh - I could get away with up to a certain age. I had no idea (and still don't, thankfully) what that age would BE, mind you - but I was sure that it would get me locked up or put away once I had passed that age.

    My only solace? Noone ELSE seems to know what age that is, yet. So ... I laugh on! Mwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!

    P.S. I call 'em 'balloon poppers'. They lurk ... ready to pounce on someone else's joy. Fortunately, they can often be spotted by that puckered look. If I catch 'em in time, I try to offer them the phone number of a good exterminator. To help them with that bug up their .....

  8. They are the cutest couple!!! (Their daughter is beautiful too.) Thanks for making me smile. I passed the photo on to a couple "Buffy" friends.

  9. Oh! Thanks for posting this! Too cute!


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