Monday, November 30, 2009

Lost S5 Deleted Scene?

I was just sent this clip from Buena Vista Home Entertainment ©ABC Studios saying this is one of the deleted scenes featured on the season 5 Lost DVD box set... but it's one I remember watching. Is it possible this aired only in Canada? Does this clip look familiar to anyone else? I think it's just a different take, because I remember Juliet nonchalantly sipping her coffee throughout the scene, and this take is a little more frantic.


  1. I just checked. The scene was a bit shorter originally. There was no question about a surprise/birthday party from Miles and also the scene ended on Juliet looking at Sawyer on the monitor. It didn't show her leaving or Miles saying "You're welcome"!

    Cheers from Poland;)

  2. Thanks, Paul! The surprise party is definitely new. I think that would qualify this as an "extended" scene, not a deleted one! ;) Oh, semantics...

  3. doyousmellcarrots30 November 2009 at 15:24

    have you seen this? new spanish promo, no new footage, coolest promo ever made
    I think I just had a lostgasm! abc needs to learn a lesson from cuatro's advertising department.

  4. You're welcome Nikki;) Maybe they did such an awesome work on season 5 that they don't have any deleted scenes, just extended ones;) (I can't watch the first deleted scene you posted cuz I live outside North America:/)

    And yes, I've seen that promo, it's BRILLIANT! I actually had flu for a week a while back (regular, not swine) and finished my rewatch of LOST already:/ I think I watched seasons 3,4 and 5 in 4 days:) Now I'm starving for more and the set reports are driving me crazy with what to expect....I need to find a frozen wheel so I can turn it and wake up on Freburary 3rd;)

  5. I love that line about the surprise party and Juliet's little smirk after. So Miles! They should have left that in.

    I remember originally thinking it was weird (and kind of gross) that Juliet stormed down the stairs and started drinking that random cup of coffee that had been sitting on the desk. Ew. LOL


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