Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Muppets Bohemian Rhapsody

I've had SO many people forward this to me today it's crazy. Which warms my heart, because it shows me you guys really, really understand me. :) This is truly awesome, made for any Muppets fan. And what is it about Animal these days that makes me laugh hysterically? He's brilliant in this. Enjoy! (And don't forget to scroll down for the Lost contest!)


  1. Mama? Dada?
    This is so the best! I could literally watch this all day long!

  2. Ah hahahahahahahaha! Gotta love the Muppets. You know, my secret life ambition is to become a Muppeteer. That would be SO COOL!

  3. LOVE LOVE this!! Take my two favorite things, the Muppets and Bohemian Rhapsody, and you can't go wrong! I want to wake my husband up to show him, but I should probabally let him sleep. Drat, has to wait until tomorrow!

  4. Animal has always been my favourite and you're right - he is brilliant in this! I also enjoyed the Manamana guy popping in there.

    I have to say this though....Hayley (my 6 year-old) just told me that they aren't singing the right words (as if I didn't know)!
    Do you think maybe I'm teaching her the right songs? LOL The other girls in her class are listening to Hannah Montana but what does she have on her MP3 player? Queen's Greatest Hits!! I love it.

  5. I love Animal. (What do you mean "these days", Nikki?) This is really making the rounds, all right. You posted it, my sister E-mailed me the link, friends are forwarding it -- I'm just waiting for the degrees of separation to fold in on themselves and have a friend who saw it on your blog send it to my sister.
    Verification word: beyacho. If you're, like, so over the word frenemy, and a total beyotch has become a muchacho, just let 'em know that you're proud to call them your new beyacho. And that's... One to Grow On.


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