Tuesday, November 10, 2009

We Like Lost


  1. I like the old school Favre jersey!

  2. I like having sex in a polar bear cage!

  3. The best part of that whole thing was the John Locke "Mr. Clean" ad at the end.... "Don't tell me what I can't do!" HA!

  4. Great stuff Niki,thanks for posting it.My favorite part is the Hurley look alike saying "Steve,Dude" and about Michael's constant "WALT,WALT,WALT,WALT,WALT,WALT".I'm a little behind on the rewatch and just started Season 3 Disc 1 of my Blu-ray set today due to so many screener/review copies coming in that I need to watch first.Keep up the great work.I look forward to reading you Season 5 guide as I put on my Christmas Wish List.Take care.

  5. Lol, I prefer the parody of the Lost writers more.

    Btw Nikki, found you on a wikipedia entry (regarding Buffy I believe).

  6. Thanks for sharing! Made my morning.

    I say "Henry," you say "Gale!"

  7. Hee hee! I love the counting to 5 at the end.

  8. My favourite part is when the guys are buried up to their necks and someone walks behind them dragging a teddy bear on a string! LMAO
    That is one question I am still waiting to have answered - where are the children?


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