Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Another One!

And here is our beloved humanebean with his copy of Finding Lost Season 5 (check out that sexy Dharma Initiative jumpsuit!!!) He says he's hiding from Widmore and that's why we can't see his entire face. Oh humanebean... even Benjamin Linus couldn't stay hidden forever!!


  1. Yes, but Ben is a better shot than I am ...

    ... plus, he has that nifty baton. Now, if I had one of THOSE, ol' Widmore wouldn't scare ME. Bring it ON, Chuck!

  2. Awesome! Wish I had a Dharma jumpsuit...

  3. @Erin - I received mine as an Xmas present. If you are really interested, they are sold through They have a variety of LOST merchandise for sale. I'll tellya, those jumpsuits are the PERFECT antidote to the 15ยบ weather we're having right now!

  4. Humanebean~ Maybe I'll get one to wear to my series finale party (oh how bittersweet that is going to be)! I wonder if there's a Dharma hankie that I can get to soak up my tears?


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