Sunday, December 13, 2009

Blog Awards: On to Round 2!

I just found out that I've made it to round 2 of the Canadian Blog Awards, thanks largely to all of you. I thought blogs with larger readerships would trounce me, but I guess it's not how large your readership is, but how loyal they are. So thank you. I'll try not to let it go to my head and ask you to start peeling grapes for me. :) (Batcabbage has been dutifully sending me packages of peeled grapes, so I don't need to recruit the rest of you yet.)

Round 2 has just begun and will go until December 19. Go here and scroll down to Popular Culture, and then you rank the candidates. I think you can vote once a day, if you so like. And if you're not sure if this Nikki Stafford person is worth voting for, allow me to post something from humanebean, who was allowed on a computer as part of his day pass from The Steve Jobs Hospital for the Mac-Induced Insane and posted this last week:

BEFORE I read Nikki's books, I was a 143 lb. nerd who lived in his mother's basement. The girls at the beach all laughed at me in my plaid swim trunks. I had sand kicked in my face by a 7-year-old with a Mohawk. My only friend was my hamster, Ben.

THEN a friend told me about Nikki Stafford's Finding LOST series and I borrowed some money from my mother so that I could go to the bookstore at the mall and buy myself a copy.

NOW I am a strapping 195 lbs. and the girls at the beach all comment on my buns of steel when I walk by in my Speedo. I buried the kid with a Mohawk in a sand pit and his mother not only thanked me, but asked me to come over and clean her gutters while she admires my washboard abs. Ben and I moved to a houseboat at the Marina and the guys at the boatyard invited me to join their weekly poker game.

THANKS, Nikki! I owe it all to you and your life-saving Finding LOST series. They are fun and affordable and I think everybody should own a complete set. They're SWELL!

*Actual mileage may vary. Offer void where prohibited by law. Please consult a physician before reading these books if you have a heart condition, are pregnant or think you may become pregnant or are easily spooked by jungle whispers, polar bears, smoke monsters or visions of deceased persons. Please do not operate the Frozen Donkey Wheel without the appropriate headgear. If your enjoyment of the series lasts longer than six seasons, please consult your doctor immediately.*

(By the way, for anyone wondering where my synopsis of Season 4 is on the other blog, I'm at my parents' for Christmas and I don't have access to my own computer, so I will post it tonight or first thing tomorrow morning.) ;)


  1. Congrats Nik! I have been bounced from the awards and perhaps should have made some effort to gather the troops, but whatever, so I'm happy to see you carrying the banner. Woo!

  2. Yeah! I didn't get a chance to vote as often as I would have liked, so I'm glad everyone else stepped up. Off I go to vote now before I forget....

  3. Hurray! Voting every day paid off. Now, to conquer round 2!

    Oh, and Nik - the next batch of grapes is on its way. :)

  4. You guys have a different Thanksgiving and a different Christmas?
    Verification word: SOSIN — A failed distress signal. [Save Our Ship, It's... Never Mind]

  5. @Blam: SOSIN — A failed distress signal. [Save Our Ship, It's... Never Mind]

    Ah hahahahahahha! That is classic. Love it :D

    Verification: PartIn - Not completely sold on an idea

  6. You guys have a different Thanksgiving and a different Christmas?

    Crazy Canadians. ;)

    On to round 2!

  7. I can assure you we Canadians don't celebrate Christ's birthday on a different day than the rest of the world does. ;) My brother and his wife go to the other side of the country every year for Christmas with her family, so my family does our Christmas two weeks early, hence the early Christmas.

    But no, we celebrate Christmas on the 27th just like everyone else. ;)

  8. voted for you Nik, hope you make it!

  9. But no, we celebrate Christmas on the 27th just like everyone else.

    Har-dee-har-har! Did no one else catch that?

  10. Oh, I caught it. I figured it just had something to do with the metric conversion. ;)

  11. @Teebore: Very good. Excellent. :)

  12. Nikki: I can assure you we Canadians don't celebrate Christ's birthday on a different day than the rest of the world does. ;)
    Well, you have the Eastern Orthodox commemorating it in January, and the radio-station programmers who think it falls the day after Halloween...
    Verification word: dalog — a record of your father's whereabouts (chiefly Irish)


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