Tuesday, December 29, 2009

The Greatest Christmas Gift of All...

[INT. Family room in a house, Christmas morning. Family is ripping open the gifts, and one person sits on her own.]

Person (internalized voiceover): "What is Christmas all about, anyway? Are we forgetting the true meaning of Christmas? I'm tired of all this materialism and wrapping and commercials and besides, no one really bought me what I wanted so who cares and... wait! What could this be? This neatly wrapped 7" x 10" package? Why... it's a volume of Nikki Stafford's Finding Lost!!! And what could be even better than that gift? Why... the entire SERIES of Nikki Stafford's Finding Lost!! Ah, NOW I know the true meaning of Christmas!"

Yes, folks, true happiness CAN be bought. And was. Here is a picture of the wife of one of my readers, JW, who sent me this to show me how happy this gift has made her. (Thanks for sharing the pics, JW!) Check out the adorableness:

And here's her (equally adorable) dad with HIS new book and the season 4 box set! Don't they look like they were MADE to be together? As in, they should have been packaged together?! (Are you reading this, Buena Vista? You should be...) ;)

Have you ever seen such happy, glowing faces?

Have you ever read such shameless self-promotion? (Teehee...)

And hey, if you want to send me a pic of you or your lucky loved one holding a copy of the book, I'll post it!


  1. Well, Nikki, in this world if you don't blow your own trumpet, chances are no-one else will blow if for you, so go for it girl!

  2. Love it! You could probably do a whole series of photo posts like this. Just think of the Christmas joy you spread about!

  3. deeannjay: LOL! You said it. :)

    Erin: How about this? You send me your pic with it and I'll post it. It won't make up for missing your name in the credits, but it'll be a start!! ;)

    In fact, anyone who wants to email me a pic of them holding the book, I'll post it. Hey, we could use it as the visual introduction to everyone! ;)

  4. Fun. You're on! Now if I can just find my camera amidst all this wrapping paper and recycling!

  5. My wife loved her set, Nikki. Thank you so much for those, by the way. Hope to see you at Slayage!

  6. That would not have been a bad Christmas gift at all. Right now I'm sitting on a mound of candy that is way too dangerous to go near.

  7. I asked for both the Season 4 and Season 5 books of "Finding Lost" for Christmas and received both of them. Alas, I do not have a camera and cannot post a picture. By the way, Nikki; get a chance to play Lost: Via Domus yet? I'll probably bug you about that until you put it in your next book. ;)

  8. Damn, that girl is fine.

  9. I totally envy that lucky lady, not because she has the whole set (I actually have the whole set plus an extra I accidentally bought!), but because she has yet to have the pleasure of reading them!

  10. AW! How cute are they?! I can't believe his wife looks so good on Christmas morning! Not at all what this lady looked liked (which was a bleary-eyed, puffy-faced porcupine) That dad should become the spokesman for some delicious brand of muffins.

    "Happy Dad's Delicious Mix O' Wonderful!"

  11. While your Finding Lost books were on my wish list, I didn't receive any. I did get your friend's Mad Men book, though.


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