Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Lost Trailer!

This trailer was made by one of my readers, Patrick, who spent the weekend putting this together with his brother and then sent it to me to ask what I thought. My response after watching?

My mind = BLOWN.

Watch it. You'll feel goosebumps, and you'll get a sense that you're actually watching Lost in chronological order. AND he creates a seamless link with the Man in Black and Locke. All in three minutes. Freakin' brilliant. Please make more, Patrick!!! Beautiful, beautiful job.


  1. WOW.

    Patrick, you are my new hero. Absolutely, completely brilliant. If I had a nickel for everyone I will be sharing this with in the days to come, I could buy the journal from the Black Rock. IF I could get Widmore to sell, that is.

    Bravo! Encore!

  2. whoa. that was fantastic. the music especially gave me chills, and i love the way you did the cuts and fade to blacks in between the scenes. nice work!

  3. Fantastic job, Patrick! I really did get chills. More, please!!

  4. Kudos to Patrick for the AWESOME VIDEO (and thank you Nikki for putting it under a well deserved spotlight). Loved the editing and the transitions, very professional - it conveyed the story and the mood of Lost perfectly. My favorite was the part when Jacob mentions "progress" and the scene cuts to Ben turning the wheel with an expression of utter despair. It made that image even more poignant.

  5. WOW!!!! Incredible! So well done, Patrick, I'm really impressed, and I bet Damon and Carlton would be too! I've been reading Carlton's twitter lately, if anyone here has a twitter, with Patrick's consent, this video should be sent to Carlton's twitter. It's way too good not to show the powers that be...

  6. Wow! That is really good. Patrick needs to work in the industry, he's got some talent!

    Thanks for sharing!

  7. Goosebumps! Maybe this video will finally convince my husband to start watching LOST with me!

  8. Hey! Thanks so much everyone for the kind words!! That's awesome you guys liked it! I'm glad you guys said "goosebumbs" a lot! That's what me and my brother were going for.

    A lot of praise for him(his name is Ryan) he was the technical wizard behind that whole thing.

    And thank you so much for Nikki for putting this on her blog

    (haha I feel like I'm accepting an award right now)

    Anyways to Nancy's comment, yes!, you have my consent to post this on TPTB twitter.

    Thanks again guys!

  9. Hey all: I'm glad you're all enjoying this as much as I did. And I've tweeted it to both Damon and Carlton, so here's hoping at least one of them comes to see it!

  10. Yay! I don't have a twitter myself but I'm so glad you tweeted it, Nikki!

    Out of curiosity, which DamonLindelof is the real twitter? I know there is supposedly a real and a fake one, but I'm not sure which is which.

  11. @DamonLindelof is the correct account (even though it's not verified). It used to be TheRealDamon or something, and then THAT account was verified as Damon's, and then he decided to go with his real name, and now Twitter is having difficulty verifying that account because they'd already verified the previous one. However, Carlton always tweets him at DamonLindelof, so that must be the right one (and Carlton's is verified). ;)

  12. Wow. That was just... wow. I've gone all funny. Patrick, seriously, well done! Darlton should see this, and decide that you're so awesome that your trailer is included in the extras for the Season 6 box set.

  13. I just watched this again. I love how Patrick used scenes from (I think) all the seasons, with emphasis on Pilot and The Incident Part 2. this rivals the "preparing for season 6" series.

  14. Patrick and Ryan,
    Excellent, Awesome, WoW
    And Thanks

  15. Watching this I've come to see I don't trust Jacob. He seems evil in this promo, like he's the one experimenting on all the poor people he brings to the island. Imagine what the mice would say of Daniel. "Don't trust the man in the white coat, he's evil. Eloise was here this morning, now she's dead." I don't know if that was Patrick's intent, but his promo sure emphasises a possible way of looking at Jacob. Bad Jacob!

  16. This is seriously better than ANYTHING ABC has ever done. I must have watched it 100 times already.

  17. Fred: I KNOW! It's all in the editing, eh? I watched it and thought the same thing, that the Man in Black comes off as this sympathetic character and Jacob as the schemer who brought people to the island to play with them.

    Aaron: I've lost track of how many times I've watched this now. I think I'm going to go and watch again right now... ;)

  18. Wow, that was phenomenal! Truly amazing.

    Patrick: was the music you used pre-existing from something, or did you (or someone you know) compose it for this?

  19. This is the best fan-trailer I've ever seen!

    Nice flashing effects too.

  20. The Question Mark9 December 2009 at 18:35


  21. I finally had a chance to watch it. This was insane. I loved it. Seriously gave me chills and pieced things together that I hadn't considered before. LOVED it!

  22. Patrick and Ryan - Kudos!

    Just about freaked as this vid progressed. Loved it a lot - especially at the end when it fades to black and the last sound(s) you hear are Smokey!

    My skin crawled at that point. :)

    SenexMacDonald (who for some reason is not being allowed to log in!)

  23. OH..MY..GOSH!!! Wow! THAT was awesome! Did you notice the date? Add the month & day together that the new season is starting & it equals 4. Yes, it is a sickness!
    The people who make these trailers, etc, are so brilliant!
    Great job! Less than 2 months til the beginning of the end! Bitter sweet, tho.

  24. Superb! You and Ryan have a bright future. Can't wait to see more.

  25. Just catching up on this now. I can say that it's almost made me throw out all my preconceived notions about the show and my theories on it. LOL! It's like watching a whole other show!

  26. I'm so glad everyone's enjoying this. Please repost far and wide. So many of the prep trailers have tens of thousands of views, and I really want to get this one out there. :) It deserves it.


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