Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Wednesday Announcement

And here's the last of my three announcements. This one is especially for those of you who visit The Fuselage: they're planning their Lost Weekend party once again, to be held at the Hollywood Renaissance Hotel from May 14-16. This is not a convention, but a party where the fans all get together, and hopefully some of the cast, crew, and writers show up to mingle and chat with the fans. Because this is after the finale, there's a chance it could be a big one.

If there are any Buffy fans out there who were regular posters to the posting boards and you remember the posting board parties, this is similar to that. It's mainly a place where the fans of the Fuselage who post and chat year-round get to meet up and talk to each other. If you've read the book "Lost Ate My Life," there's a section in there where they talk about it. So it's definitely something to check out. I'll be considering it, because I've gotten to know a few of the fans on there, even if I'm not a regular poster to that fabulous board (it's one of those places where I wish I had more time to visit). You can find out more information here.

Tune in tomorrow, where I'll be posting my own little Christmas carol that I made for y'all. :)

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