Thursday, January 14, 2010

Life as a Pundit

So yesterday I went down to Space (Canada's sci-fi network) where I've done a ton of bits there for Buffy and Lost, and they wanted to interview me for the return of Lost, and when they found out ahead of time that I'd been watching Fringe they wanted to talk to me about that, too (yay!). I got there and was immediately put into makeup. I said I'd never done makeup for Space before -- other shows, yes, but not for Space. They told me that now that they're owned by CTV, you do makeup. So I got into the chair and explained I didn't wear a lot of makeup (something that was actually self-explanatory) and the makeup artist started in. She was really sweet, talked about a lot of TV shows she watched. She was the makeup artist for Beyoncé and Michael Bublé (I felt like I needed to put an accent at the end of my name) and she got the foundation there, and then stopped mid-air and said, "You know what? I could do some amazing smokey eyes on you." Uh... "I don't wear a lot of makeup," I repeated, visions of Jenny Humphrey in my head. She said no, no, let's do smokey eyes. "Go big or go home!" she said. Well, I thought, I guess "smokey" eyes are appropriate for Lost, but by the time I was done... it didn't even look like me anymore.

After we filmed the segment another guy came in who they referred to as their "go-to geek" for all things comics, TV, movies, music, you name it. He told me that he actually visits the blog regularly and has posted a couple of times under his pseudonym, Wordburglar (he's a hip-hop artist from Halifax who records under that name)... and then he pulled all of my books out of his bag! It was pretty awesome. I told him to be sure to come on and post here so we can include him in our little cyber family, so we'll all keep an eye out for him! (He was probably wondering why I had so much makeup on!)

Speaking of which, I went to pick up my son from daycare, forgetting what was on my face, and the lovely lady there just sort of stared and smiled like I looked like that all the time. I guess there are a lot of people who DO walk out of the house looking like that, but I'm not one of them, so I felt like everyone was staring. And then I got home, where my daughter was already waiting, and she did stare. It wasn't my imagination. She stared and then finally, in a low voice, said, "Mommy... what happened to your eyes?!" You'd have thought Marilyn Manson had just walked into our house. When I said to her, "Don't you think Mommy looks nice with the makeup on?" she said, "No, I think you're prettier without it." Aww... love you, kid. Here's a chocolate bar and a new dollie. Keep those compliments comin'.

So all of this is just a warning that if you ever get a chance to see those spots I filmed for Space, no, I'm not going through a mid-life crisis where I feel like I have to cover up those crow's feet with makeup. And hey, it was kinda fun for a day!

This morning I did a long interview with MediaBistro that is now up and streaming for anyone who wants to listen in. It's in the book section of the site, so they talk a lot about the Finding Lost books themselves, plus the books seen on the show, which is one of my favourite things to talk about. The two hosts, Jason and Matt, are the real deal, and REALLY know their Lost, which is awesome. It was a lot of fun chatting with them!

Oh, another warning: At one point I say "Looking Glass station" when I meant to say "Lamp Post station." D'oh. I hope I don't lose major Lost nerd points on that one. But the one thing with these interviews is, you have to talk fast. And listening to the playback, MAN do I talk fast. I'm like one of those voices at the end of pharmaceutical commercials that comes on and gives the list of side-effects. Anyway, enjoy! And if the following embedding code doesn't work, click here.


  1. I was prepared for you to have a much bigger reaaction to the phrase "Smokey Eyes". 8^)

  2. That does sound like fun (except for the makeup against your will thing)! I can't wait to see it :)

    "I don't wear much makeup..."

    "Nothing We can't fix, Sugar. Now, close your eyes and hold your breath while I airbrush your cheeks - wouldn't want to breathe this stuff in!"

  3. Loved listening to your input on the books in lost! It really makes you realize like wow, this show is so intricately devised..damon&carlton are just so smart.

  4. Nikki, your explanation of the polar bears was sublime, and the hosts were clearly impressed!

  5. Just finished listening to your interview - great job! I am so glad that you are caught up on Fringe!! I haven't missed an episode and I agree that it did drag a bit last season. However, like Lost, it came roaring back and I really enjoy it. If you write a book about it, I'll definitely buy it!

  6. I loved listening to you describe Lost. People who don't watch the show (*gasp* I know!) and listen to segments like this about it must think we are so weird!

  7. Cool! This is the first time I've heard your voice, Nikki!

    "This is a show aboot..."

  8. That is so awesome Nikki...
    You should have your own radio show, I can see something for you at the midnight hour, how about calling it Nik at Late Nite???

    We could all call in and ask you silly questions like "What's Lost all about???" :)

  9. Awesome interview, Nik! You sounded so relaxed and comfortable with the two hosts - you could hardly hear the makeup. ; ]

    I've actually done a bunch of video in the past and since I'm so fair-skinned, I have a tendency to redden beneath the lights over time. Soooo ... the crew is always recommending makeup! All I can say is ... these pores were not made for foundation. I'm feeling your pain!

  10. I read my mom the part of this post about the makeup and when I got to the part about what your daughter said, she went, "Awwwwwwwww," and I giggled, because that was exactly how you followed up the comment. Very cute.

    (And I too was waiting for the "smokey eyes" pun or comment :P)

    I'll definitely listen as soon as I get a chance :)

  11. Awesome meeting you Nikki - thanks for the shout out :)

    My rewatching marathon is in full swing...see ya on space!

  12. Now I'm wondering why a Canadian has the old school Brewers logo as an avatar. Not that I'm complaining, Wordburglar! That's the team I grew up with. Perhaps someone else borrowed the design and it means something else now?

  13. the logo is definitely a "new take" on the classic brewers logo, but intsead of MB it's WB (for Wordburglar) and note the record instead of a ball :)

    Paul Molitor all the way!


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